Last updated 4 years ago
how can we design the best catalyst experience?
This is the total amount allocated to a better catalyst.
better feedback loops and trust building. if communication, collaboration and compensation is solved, we can finally operate 💯decentralised
competing diverse trusted interface(s) for ideation, iteration and interaction - with common member iDentities + treasury smart contract.
Communication - quality of interactions (comments/questions:edits/iteration) from early stage to voting stage
Collaboration - quality of connections (frequency of collaborator communication / proposal iterations)
Compensation - quality of (monetary) exchange.
micropayments to commenters(comments with proposer responses viewed as valid contributions, a multiplier would be if an iteration was credited to their comment/question/feedback.
as well as micropayments to collaborators (for forming collaborations and creating proposal iterations).
ultimately having the treasury smart contract that disperses the proposals funding request integrated into this final stage would be the ideal. this would then allow for the loop back to happen once proposal comes back for milestone-based later stage funding after completion of its proof of concept - or for it to continue on with it's already created community if it has already achieved financial sustainability.
how can we design the best catalyst experience?