Last updated 4 years ago
The intention is to create a game, learn basic concepts of the blockchain, living in a decentralized world. See descriptive diagram, annex.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Blockchain Strategy Game.
Future ADA users require education to understand financial use to improve their social welfare and financed.
A Community in constant growth
Minimum Viable Product:
1. Mobile based platform
2. Decentralized SimCommunity
3. Basic cryptocurrency actions: sending, receiving, purchasing, storing, assigning unique identifiers, etc.
4. Roles: Players, shop owners, police, doctors, city administrators, etc.
5. Mechanics of the game, levels for progression, rewards mechanism, etc.
In order to onboard new community members and for the ecosystem to continuously expand, future Cardano users require continual education to understand the use cryptocurrency and how it can improve their financial and social well-being.
People learn through play, therefore the intention is to create a game in which people can learn the basics of decentralization, using cryptocurrencies and living in a decentralized world.
⢠The team will require funding to attract developers experienced in development of gaming platforms, particularly android developers
The idea is to do this through a game similar to SimCity. Here everyone's life would be based on using Cardano as the main currency, including making payments in ADA. Within the game everything related to personal finances would be based on Cardano and the Daedalus/Yoroi wallets.
⢠In the different community businesses, you pay with ADA.
⢠Shopping for groceries, clothes by using ADA wallets such as Daedalus or Yoroi
⢠Applying for University, getting your degree. Using Cardano Prism for decentralized Identity Management.
⢠Getting a job and being paid for that job in $ADA. Proving your education credentials with Prism.
A person wants to see the different options of existing careers, and decides to explore what, how and where his Employment Contract would be developed, after graduating.
The person chooses the job. She begins to work in the position of General Services, so she begins to know the company. To be promoted to the next position, according to the structure of the company, you must comply with and exceed actions that help improve the company.
As you go up, you will unlock in a Skill Tree, The different skills to unlock more skills and keep expanding the company further.
Recording skills and certifications on the Cardano blockchain
⢠Applying for personal financial products such as vehicle loans or buying a home with a loan via the Cardano Blockchain.
⢠Paying taxes, travelling, sending money to others
⢠Collecting items of value such as art, jewelry with authenticity registered on the blockchain.
⢠Having valuables stolen (art, jewelery, land) and helping the authorities recover the valuables by proving ownership and authenticity on the blockchain
⢠Participating in community governance, using blockchain based voting apps on the Cardano blockchain.
⢠Build on social policy with the game rewarding actions that improve decentralization