Last updated 4 years ago
How to get the wallet downloaded around the world and meet a global community localization standards?
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Website Localization.
Mass adoption.
Cardano and Daedalus Wallet Website content is Localized at least as much as Cardano's competition (e.g. Ethereum localized in 32 languages)
Localize the Cardano and Daedalus Wallet Content in 32 more languages so developers and users around the world have easy access to the product:
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Projects examples with competitive localization: Ethereum, Binance chain, Solana
Project Manager explains the plan of the project through video conferences after the community proposals are submitted and chosen.
Project Manager makes first contact with Website Manager
Coordinator create the Localization progress list, create the translator and the website templates, he do research on Upwork and Fiver (and LinkedIn or other if needed) and create a list of translators.
Coordinator gives the assigned translator's contact and templates to the respective 32 Language owners.
Language Owners contact their assigned translator and gives content, the translator template, set dates of delivery and add them to the Localization Progress list.
Project Manager tracks project progress and updates data based on progress.
Project Manager communicates progress to Catalyst
Language Owners receives translated content, verifies it and fill the website template based on the translation.
Language Owners give website localization to the Coordinator
Coordinator gather the 32 languages website templates
Project manager verifies and passes the localizations to the Website Manager
Website Manager add the localizations to the respective URLs
Staff and tasks:
Project manager: 1) Direct the project 2) communicate with all team members 3) communicate with Catalyst and Cardano website manager 4) track progress 5) gather all the information. Previous management work experience is needed to fulfill this role.
Coordinator: Person in charge of 1) creating the template for translator and template for website manager. 2) Coordinating the language owners content. 3) Research of translators in Upwork, Fiverr, Catalyst or other. Previous supervisor, management, coordinator or senior position is needed for this role.
Language owner: Person in charge of 1) Hire the chosen translator, communicate, give, receive and verify translated content. 2) Organize the translation in the template for website manager. The Language owner have to be proficient in one of the languages that has to be localized as well as English.
- If a someone has translation experience or degree then he/she can present his LinkedIn and submit for translator, this would mean he/she would take both: the tasks, responsibilities and rewards of language owner and translator.
- The following URLs information would not be translated in this fund due to large amount of text vs lower visibility ratio: Cardano Docs, Research and Developer updates within the Developers button.
To prove proficiency:
* Localized language -
a) Is needed, only a statement that the language to localize is the native language or
b) some proof of studies that a the 2nd or 3rd language is spoken and written with proficiency (e.g. college degree in a foreign institution, language or translation degree or a degree in a language institution)
* English proficiency -
some proof that studies have been made in English (LinkedIn preferable).
Detailed Budget:
*Translation: $30 per page per language (500 words) = 11 pages = $330 = 1 page = $30
Total per language translation = $360
* Language owner:
Team video conference = 1h30 = $30
Hiring and initial communication = 1hr = $20
Give English content and explain details = 1hr = $20
Follow progress = 1hr = $20 (divided it by 4 x 15min. if needed)
Receive and verify = 30 min. per page x 12 pages = 6hrs = $120
Add the content to the website template = 6hrs = $120
Communicate with coordinator = 1hr = $20
Total per language owner = $350
Total per language: translation $360 + owner $350 = $710
Total language cost: $710 x 32 languages = $22,720
-Management and coordination
Create team list of contacts and add Name Language and email and dates of Localization Progress of every member = 2hrs = $40
Team video conference = 1h30 x 6 = $180
Translator templates: 3hrs = $60
Website templates: 3hrs = $60
Communicate with language owner = 1hr x 32 = $640
Organize received templates: 2hrs = $40
Communicate with Project manager = 4hrs = $80
Total for coordination: $1100
*Project Manager:
Creates video conference schedule and sends invite to all members = 1hr =20$
Team video conference = 1h30 x 6 = $180
Communicate with web site manager = 4hrs = $80
Gather project progress info and communicate with Catalyst weekly meeting = 6hrs = $120
Communicate with coordinator = 4hrs = $80
Follow ups on team members = 2hrs x 32 = $1280
Updates continuously the Localization Progress List = 6hr = $120
Total for management: $1880
-Unexpected fees budget:
1 language cost = $710
extra coordination 8hrs = $160
extra management 8hrs = $160
Total unexpected fees budget = $1030
Total cost of the project: