Last updated 4 years ago
How do we seed and grow Cardano in Africa?
How do we identify and nurture super-spreader proposals across the whole of Africa?
This is the total amount allocated to Grow Africa, Grow Cardano.
Cardano shines when adoption is global. Africa currently has young entrepreneurs, great growth potential and a government contract imminent.
Cardano is considered the best public block-chain operating in Africa
Cardano projects in Africa are not isolated but networked and growing
Number of purely African participants
Number of Outside African participants with a significant partnership with African residents
Feedback on progress from successful proposals regardless of failure or success
Novelty and appropriateness of solutions (hard to quantify, easy to see)
Number of African Fund5 proposals that do not need further funding to keep operating
ROI of Fund5 community challenge - Grow Africa, grow Cardano
Africa is fertile ground for the adoption of Cardano.
Having a funding round that focuses on Africa is a win, win, win scenario. Africa wins by getting some backing. Commercial projects that are already building up in Africa win, because they get the signal of support from our community. Cardano holders win when there is an encouraging environment for mass adoption anywhere.
Focussing on Africa is a strategy that has often been promoted and is openly pursued by IOG and Charles Hoskinson
The ROI is likely to be high because community sponsored projects are better run in young and developing economies.
What this is:
A call to activate the Cardano community's ability to recognise, risk and reward this opportunity to make the world a better place.
What this is not:
This is not a proposal that needs active work by the proposers, it is a vision that needs votes to become an achievement. If it succeeds the beneficiary is the whole Cardano community. It is a call to close our prejudices and open our eyes, hearts and minds to good people who lack the environmental benefits many of us were born with. Giving them an opportunity to show that circumstances are not something they need charity to rise above and succeed. All that is required is the equal opportunity to succeed or fail that many of the rest of us enjoy, but with their hinderances and hurdles lessened and their choices remaining in their own hands.
Regardless of whether it succeeds or fails:
I have had my eyes opened and my mind changed about the potential of Africa. From Africa's bankers in the west, ex-pats with vision and heart, youth with passions, documentaries that challenged my assumptions and Cardano community members with so much to give.
Thank you to all of you who have commented and interacted with me over the last few weeks.
Impact: Fund5 will get underway shortly after the Ethiopian government deal is likely to have been announced and will build on its momentum. Along with this major announcement, Africa has more underutilised talent than this proposal can possibly support but it has unlimited potential to uncover them and get them seen around the world. It is the right time for this community challenge to change the world with maximum effect.
Feasibility: Africa is poised for technology focussed growth (see video above), has over 600 technology hubs spread across the continent and is home to 4 of the top 20 fastest growing economies in the world.
Auditability: Like all community proposals it relies on the results of the challenge it proposes to truly prove itself, but the metrics it proposes could give an early indication of how successful it is.
Budget: Large enough to attract attention and significant proposals, but small enough to allow other community proposals to seek funding