Last updated 4 years ago
How can we apply gamification for rapidly spreading Cardano's capabilities in a joyful and easy way to a large number of new participants ?
This is the total amount allocated to PANGEA - Society Design Sandbox.
Cardano offers cool technologies for building a better world. Choosing a Reality-Game format allows us to implement, test and scale this NOW
A large, diverse and inclusive community designing, applying and testing Cardano technology and governance along a fascinating story plot.
The following could be established (and measured) as outcome of the Fund 5 funding:
PANGEA - The basic story plot:
In order to allow fast progress and in order to avoid any issues with existing authorities and governments, the story-plot establishes a playful science fiction world: PANGEA, very similar to our home-planet. Same dimensions of land and oceans - but all continents metaphorically merged to one continent called PANGEA. Basic theme is the gamified foundation of stable new settlements on this Earth-like planet. The settlers would still be in well-integrated contact with home-planet Earth, but sufficiently far away to be forced doing independent experimenting.
FUND 5 CHALLENGE: Focus on conception, MVP-developments & piloting. This would set the frame for a larger number of proposers and partners, contributing to the necessary developments. As an outcome, we would establish the core teams and would jointly implement and pilot the basic technologies and concepts.
Second Phase: Scaling (Fund X and/or based on external co-funding)
Once proven in careful piloting, we would start the scaling phase. This is all about signing up 'players' and metaphorically establishing and registering the highly decentralized habitats on PANGEA. The first focus would be put on (playfully) securing basic survival with setting up energy, water, hygienic, food-supply and basic agricultural production, IT infrastructure and controlling of other vital parameters (in reality: starting to apply our concepts by making our real earthly homes as decentralized as possible, including utilities supply, growing some food, establish excellent IT infrastructure etc. - a source of a careful and never-ending merchandizing income stream).
Next phase: Establishing and growing the virtual PANGEA society
Then, the challenge would continue with grass-root-refinement of a new form of highly decentralized PANGEAN society composed of independent individuals in small 'settlements' (should of course be a playful metaphor for our own homes and apartments). Following the growing number of settlers and settlements, the story-plot would lead to establishing the more and more complex governance structures and the PANGEA constitution based on the initial constitution draft and the CARDANO technology framework to support this process. After this, the game would move on and on, adding many new participants. Initially we would still follow our story-plot. Then, step-by-step, the framework could enable regional and individual sub-plots and potentially open a self-governed and non-plotted future.
Conclusions: Key of all this is to rapidly scale-up Cardano among a very new user-group. We can learn the ABC of decentralized and algorithms-supported governance. This way we contribute to building a better world by gaining real practical experience based on fun, openness and compassion.