Ineffective business governance leads to disengaged employees which costs the U.S. $485-605 billion per year [1].
Increase engagement by automate project assignment, based on employee strengths, current workload, and management/team voting system.
This is the total amount allocated to Business Governance Application.
Problem / Solution
Typical causes of disengagement within a company are [2] :
The project aims to empower employees to increase their workplace participation by increasing their ability to work on high value projects aligned with company goals in a work from home environment. Employees should be used more effectively, playing to their strengths to decrease disengagement within the company. Employees should have good governance, and be frequently recognized for achievements.
Cardano would be ideal for this solution. They will be providing first class governance structures built into the system. They will allow for information to be shared throughout the company decreasing the lack of information. It will allow employees to be recognized for their accomplishments due to the immutable ledger. The voting mechanisms will allow for increased employee participation within a work from home environment, decreasing their frustration in the social environment and the workplace as a whole.
In order to develop this application a package for storing encrypted data on the block-chain will be created, and will be open source. This will be invaluable to the system as a whole, because it is needed for many use cases such as decentralized cloud computing, decentralized cloud storage, local voting and a host of other applications.
Next a side-chain will be created for localized voting. The chain will keep a record of all votes taken, with the voting topic encrypted. You can only vote if your credentials line up (i.e. you are an employee of x company or a citizen of y country). All parties will be given records of previous votes for review, with authorized parties given the encryption key allowing for them to view the topic of said vote. This side-chain will be available for any future projects to utilize whether company focused, government focused, charity focused etc.
The minimum viable product will consist of a user interface showing company / team structure. Under the company there will be a list of objectives & KPIs. Each team will also have their own objectives & KPIs. Each project will be voted on to determine how to what degree it will meet company objectives along with an estimated time to complete the project. Each team will have a list of projects, which will be subdivided into individual tasks. A project leader will be assigned, alongside each task having a leader. Each employee can then be viewed to determine how much value they are bringing to the company in relation to how valuable the projects assigned are and how well they meet deadlines.
Further development milestones outside of this proposal will include :
Funding request
$97849 for 1 year of full time development. There will be a second request at the end of year one. The goal will be self-sustainable after year two, so the goal will be for no further funding requests afterwards.
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 8
Month 12
Month 13
Month 18
IP Policy
Technology developed for side-chain, encryption and voting mechanisms will be open source under MIT License.
Front end & CI/CD code will be Proprietary unless deemed useful for future Cardano developers. If so, then technology will be released under MIT License.
Over the last 2 years I have increased the productivity of teams I have led by 187% by programming tools for effective governance.