How can we motivate non english speakers to learn and grow Cardano ecosystem in the next 3-6 months?
This is the total amount allocated to Multilingual resources.
Multilingual platforms will allow non english speakers to learn about Cardano and increase its adoption worldwide.
Increased adoption and community engagement of non english speakers.
Increased amount of resources in a variety of languages.
At the end of this challenge, we will be asking ourselves: Did we manage to make it easier for non english speakers to build and grow the Cardano community in their local areas?
- Number of non english speakers joining Cardano community
- Number of courses translated to different languages, from programming to stakepool operation and so on.
- A sense of community and conversations. Having people around to talk with.
The english language could be a barrier for a lot of people around the world when they try to learn about Cardano and blockchain technology.
At least in my native language (spanish) there are no resources for people who might want to learn how to code smart contracts with Plutus or Marlowe for example.
We can set a challenge with a modest budget ($50.000-100.000 USD) for people to propose solutions on how to increase adoption among non native english speakers.
- Create (or translate) courses in non english languages, to increase the amount of resources in a variety of topics for people who don't speak english.
- Fund an educational organization focused on bringing free resources about blockchain technology and Cardano solutions in their local community.
- Any other idea people might have to increase adoption of non english speakers.