Last updated 4 years ago
How can we get more Ethereum projects to start moving to Cardano in the next 3 months?
This is the total amount allocated to Migrate Ethereum.
Ethereum has major projects and problems. Migration to Cardano would be good for the projects and Cardano. Ethereum 2.0 has a long way to go
The Ethereum community and crypto media are talking regularly about projects that are moving or have moved successfully to Cardano.
Creating an environment where Ethereum projects intend, can and do migrate to Cardano will have a snowball effect that drives other Ethereum projects to migrate to Cardano.
US$400,000 in ada
(Personally, I think the max should be $500,000 as it is a number that sparks more interest)
What does success look like
The Ethereum community and crypto media are talking regularly about projects that are moving or have moved successfully to Cardano.
Ethereum projects that are considering moving feel fully informed about the benefits, challenges, risks and drawbacks of migrating.
Significant Ethereum projects are regularly announcing and/or commencing their migration to Cardano.
Migrating Ethereum projects to Cardano is considered easy, effective and well supported
Guiding questions
Potential directions