Last updated 3 years ago
How can we offer people an opportunity to contribute without having to commit to a large budget while still getting a fair voting chance?
This is the total amount allocated to Propose, build & deliver in 6 weeks.
Large projects come with a lot of risk, both for the executors and the funders. Working in small increments mitigates risks and is flexible
New small teams are formed that propose and deliver all within F6, so the deliverables should be done before voting.
- Number of teams formed to participate
- Number of teams who delivered before voting
- Number of these proposers continuing on in following funding rounds
The goal of this challenge is to come up with a proposal, build it and deliver all within 6 weeks.
Ideally the proposals add something to the Catalyst project to help new members or other people who want start making proposals. The work should be shared in such a way that a new proposal can continue from what was delivered in the next funding round. Any code should be shared open source
The proposals have a max budget of 5k
The idea is that all proposals will be of similar size and should have most of their deliverables ready by the time voting starts. This way voting happens within this campaign purely on which teams managed to add real value to the community
Reasoning for the budget size:
Proposal budget
The goal is to work in a fixed time scope of 6 weeks and to allow new teams to form. These teams would need time to learn and to prove their worth to the stakeholders. With a max of 5k there should be enough budget for a small group to work for several weeks in this fashion, without teams taking on too much. It also leads to a more even valuation within this campaign, so that the value of each proposal is easy to compare for voters (as they are within the same scale).
**Any team asking for more should get a very low rating, or be filterd out to keep the campaign fair
Campaign budget
The total budget is set at 50k so that at least 10 of these teams can get funded. This encourages people to try and deliver some value, not having to worry about a big fish gobbling up all the funds in the campaign.
(Ideally this would become a recurring campaign to allow for continues development)