Last updated 4 years ago
Blockchain and multiple applications of Cardano, and this new era of technology, are foreign for the majority of the globe.
Creating a model, in which Cardano funds R+D cells, by "renting out" multidisciplinary classes in Universities. Using a especificmethodology
This is the total amount allocated to Al-Baari. The Creator. .
Creating a model, in which Cardano funds R+D cells, by "renting out" multidisciplinary classes in Universities. Using a especificmethodology
I'm an anthropologist, who has been working on Pedagogy, Innovation and Marketing my whole life. Creating culture through education.
Problem Statement: Blockchain, smart contracts, Defi, DAos, DApps and multiple applications of Cardano, and this new era of technology, are foreign for the majority of the globe. And this problem is deeper in the developing world.
Due to extremely high education fees, low professional employability, low investment in research, investigation and innovation, and multiple other variables specific to each country, the temporal and technological gap increases year by year.
On the other hand, most technologies aren't adopted until they can solve everyday problems for people.
I firmly believe that education is the solution. But the question relies on "how?".
How can we create the knowledge base, and knowhow network so that Cardano (and its applications) is used as a tool to solve local problems, in everyday life?
Therefore creating deep adoption of the ecosystem and boosting the possibility of new applications and participants.
Describe your solution to the problem:
Having a model in which Cardano funds the investigation, development and solution of local problems, through the renting of universities classrooms, public and private, as R+D teams. We can create the adoption of Cardano by teaching it either as a technology or a methodology which enables people to solve their own problems; rather than a subject itself.
By Ensuring that these R+D teams are not just developers, but architects and designers, anthropologists and biologists. We can make sure that Cardano will be used in the near future to solve complex and multidisciplinary problems.
Teaching the technology that enables developing ideas and solutions, we create the need, the love and the trust possible for the everyday use of Cardano.
"Give a person a fish and you feed them a day; teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime"
Relevant Experience: I'm an anthropologist who believes in the power of education, and has encountered it as a fork in the road. Who has experienced life in a developing country, and has worked in Marketing Agencies learning the application of data and analytics. I have also worked in education in rural and urban areas, with a focus in innovation and design thinking. Currently, I am working in Innovation for an energy company, learning as much as I can from this, and the huge impact of energy on a daily basis, and how to change this. Also, I teach thinking methodologies to a wide variety of public, creating culture through pedagogy and problem solving methods.
The education and pedagogy process should always be focused on learning two fundamental questions: the why and the how. After that, learning that it is possible to apply that knowledge to the very world the person inhabits, allows him to secure it and appropriate it.
This is why I believe that creating the school of thought that uses Cardano as a way or technology to solve the specific problems of a community or country -chosen by themselves, and powered by Cardano- is the way to create an ever growing ecosystem, built by people, for other people. That shares some similar reality.
In order for this to work, I propose the following:
Using the funds to "rent out" classes in universities in order for them to learn Cardano as a base job, receiving a base "salary" for studying and researching the possibilities of Blockchain, Smartcontracts, DeFi,DAos, DApps, and multiple other applications of Cardano, and getting a reward for solving a local problem.
Turning the tables on access to academia, information and knowledge in developing countries; Making research and problem solving, the way of "making it".
This means reaching an agreement with universities to develop an interdisciplinary environment of investigation funded and powered by The Cardano Foundation, in which people from multiple careers and disciplines are able to take an academic class, focused on project development for local problems. In this class, different individuals will be grouped as Research and Development cells. In a class of 30, 6 cells of 5 individuals shall be formed. They will have a guide for each class, which will have the role of translating cultural baggage, the innocence of the students and the expertise of the Cardano expert; similar to what a (good)professor does usually in classes with knowledge translated from a book.
This R+D Cells, + the Guide, will receive a base retribution from the work done researching and learning the fundamentals of Cardano in a 1-3-6 cycle. This intends to create deep learning, case study application and 2 Minimal Viable Projects or solutions to the problem formulated in conjunction with Cardano Community to recognize, reward and develop the most impactful projects.
(Solving the need of funds for study, for multiple people and giving motivation to multiple others, as being a source of income, a praticotheorical class, and a problem solving project class. Creating like this the possibility for a brilliant idea, to emerge focused on what is needed)
In order to guide the process and the groups, I propose that a mentor from the University is trained in the fundamentals of the technology, Haskel and Pluto, among others, to act as a "question translator" between the curiosity and innocence of the R+D team (students) and the expertise of the Teacher (Cardano Community Expert). Also, to guide the newcomers into the realm of possibilities offered by this technology. This role emerges from the lack of "professors" that could participate in this program (as far of my knowledge), so training and giving the knowledge fundamentals to a person who could replicate this knowledge and; in addition, help translating the cultural baggage, could help as a translator and as an evangelist of this aforementioned knowledge to be a strong link between the University and Cardano.
When the topic is chosen by the Cardano Community, the next step in the process starts, and it is escalated by the "Question Translator" (Teacher/Professor) with help of the University and the R+D team (Students) to a local problem.
Eg: "Biological waste" is translated as "How to solve biological waste management in a community in the middle of Vietnam, where pollution is striking rice fields and halving its production."
Since this problem could be solved in infinite ways, I propose that the R+D teams are conformed by a diversity of people with different expertises and careers, giving the opportunity to get to know this way of solving problems by learning Cardano and its applications to Designers, Economists, Engineers, Artists, etc. so that every single career , mayor, minor or field of knowledge that wants to get involved, has the possibility of enrolling in a learning experience, based on how to solve a real world problem, with cutting edge technology, and the interdisciplinarity that is needed to solve complex problems at the current time and even more in the future. Helping to close the gap that is generated by the lack of investment in developing countries, and assist universities to boost the investigation towards this topic and raise its academics.
In parallel, the Cardano community will be responsible for teaching the R+D teams and universities, regarding the fundamentals, applications, developments, and mentor the development of the process. Hand in hand with the "Question Translator" and the University.
Creating a program that is backed up and useful for the individual and the community.
Using a TedTalk Model could be a useful way to create a diaspora of the knowledge network needed to support a technology that has the potential of enabling ideas. Creating a direct relationship between the ones who have the questions, and the students who could provide the answers. It has been proven that the community is able to create top notch content.
So having our anonymous hero, a technology which could enable solving its personal question, Multiple Guides and environment to support it, the only thing left, is the roadmap; Which is as follows.
In a plan with a 1-3-6 metric, (1)1 month of deep and intensive learning, where we will study Cardano fundamentals and its applications,(3)Months of case application, using it to solve simple tasks, and rising its complexity each cycle; In addition, this period will be used to define and scale the topic chosen by the Cardano community, to a local problem.
After this, the (6/2) period begins. Where every 3 months a Minimal Viable Product MVP is developed by the R+D teams. The first one as a paper MVP, and the second one as a final product. Both MVPs will be qualified and judged through CART indicators, or whichever might seem fit, in order to reward the most impactful one. Having the first contest as a benchmark for the class, and the second one as a way to measure adoption of technology, problem solving and local impact. Having in a year, at least 2 developed projects, 4 MVPs and a bank of ideas that could fuel a next gen project(as a minimum where there are only 2 groups per class, this of course grows as much as the people participating in the program).
The final step in my proposal is to create a community between the participants in order to create a space for people to develop ideas, projects and questions. If this is fundamented in a technology which enables any realm of answers, and focuses on something more than revenue, having previous participants and projects vinculated by the possibility of integration in new projects, collaboration and information; I believe that like this it is possible that a diaspora is created, and that in the near future of 5 years, Cardano could be used as an everyday technology in universities, taught as a common ground knowledge base, that enables dreams to be accomplished.
Problem to be boarded: Defining a Topic by the Cardano community, and escalating it to a local problem
Steps of Development:
Teach the basics of Cardano, Smartcontracts, Pluto and other basics of the technology and applications.
Propose a topic of application for research and development
Scale the topic to a local problem
Rent out Classes in Universities to solve the problem through applications of Cardano
Reward and fund the best project and its MVP.
Create a network of participants and their solutions.
This process in order to get the following metrics.
Amount of people trained in Cardano and applicabilities.
Amount MVP's develop and Problem solved
Community after first year and second year.
For the budget of this project, I really need help :). It depends on the university with which the agreement is made, the amount of people that could be covered by the program, and the defined retribution for the R+D Cells, the Guides and all the backend logistic that is needed to accomplish this..
Also, I really want to take the ideas printed in this document into the real world, because I believe that education can change it; moreover, this format could be replicated in multiple countries, not only in LaTam, but in every continent. Helping people to learn about the world, their experience and how to solve their aches. And that there are a lot of possible futures that could emerge from this, its people, and I would like to learn all there is to learn from the aforementioned experiment. To create the futures that I believe are possible through it.
Have a good and blessed day, thank you. :)
I'm an anthropologist, who has been working on Pedagogy, Innovation and Marketing my whole life. Creating culture through education.