Last updated 3 years ago
There is currently no platform or framework for the Cardano Community to discuss, prioritize and solve Latin American issues in Spanish.
ALDEA is a DAO that enables people to communicate, self-govern, produce and trade as a decentralized and autonomous Community.
This is the total amount allocated to ALDEA, the Latin America DAO.
ALDEA is a DAO that enables people to communicate, self-govern, produce and trade as a decentralized and autonomous Community.
Diverse team of SPOs (FALCO, TOPO, APOLO, RYU, CPOOL), Senior IT Geeks, Entrepreneurs, WyoHackathon Winners & Long-Term Cardano Advocates.
We propose the creation of a Latin America Decentralized Autonomous Organization called ALDEA (América Latina DEscentralizada y Autónoma), for Spanish speakers to collaborate and express themselves in order to prioritize and solve local problems. At the same time, this will help to curate and bring stronger proposals to Project Catalyst, already validated and backed by the Latin America Community and its Community Hubs.
ALDEA will manage a Treasury based on IOHK's paper: "A Treasury System for Cryptocurrencies: Enabling Better Collaborative Intelligence", through its own Governance Tokens in the same way they currently do with ADA.
Same as for the whole Cardano Ecosystem, Stakepools will play a key role in ALDEA by making its Treasury grow. They will provide a percentage of their ADA rewards in every epoch they produce blocks, in exchange for Governance Tokens. ALDEA will help promote a more even distribution of Delegators among Stakepools and, as these grow, so does their participation, the Treasury and the whole Community as a consequence.
Delegators of Member Stakepools will receive Governance Tokens on top of the ADA rewards they receive from the Stakepool they are delegating to.
ALDEA will provide a place for all Latin American Community Hubs to get together and collaborate in creating proposals for the Community.
While all of this is happening, ALDEA will also promote and encourage the development of dApps. These will help the Community get access to Stablecoins, DeFi Protocols, Tools, NFTs and everything else the crypto space has to offer. By doing this, a myriad of new use cases will emerge, adding funds to the Treasury while further distributing the Governance Tokens.
Taking a broader look, we intend to inspire and be inspired. We're currently working closely, coordinating efforts and breakthroughs with Stakepools from Africa and Latin America… and that's just the beginning!
Link to Paper:
Link a propuesta en Español:
Phase 0: The One With The Proposal - Completed!
Phase 1: The One With The Whitepaper
Detailed Phase 1
Phase 0 brought ALDEA to life in its primitive form. Key regional players are already involved and working closely with the community. Now it's time to take it to the next level and in order for it to reach its full potential, ALDEA needs to go through an intensive and thorough research phase. It will be critical to understand the state-of-the-art technologies available, and the best way to combine and tailor them to Latin America's needs. This will all come together in a peer-reviewed Whitepaper setting ALDEA up for success. Welcome to Phase 1.
Major research topics will include the different DAO Platforms & Models, the Treasury System, Tokenomics, Minting Policies & Distribution, Token Use Cases, Governance, Security and Transparency, among others.
We will consider Phase 1 successful once the Whitepaper is written and published, after in-depth and quality research of all the above topics. The Whitepaper will be peer-reviewed by a diverse and qualified group of individuals, and ultimately embraced by the whole participating community signing an act on the blockchain itself, thus writing the first chapter in the ALDEA recorded history!
Phase 2: The One With The DAO & The Treasury
Phase 3: The One With The Stakepools
Phase 4: The One With The Community
Phase 5: The One With The Aldea
"To enable change in Latin America by creating an ecosystem that will allow people to come together to communicate, self-govern, produce and trade as a decentralized and autonomous community."
With 70+ years of combined IT experience in software development and digital transformation across a variety of industries, our team of 6 people includes Technical Leads, Business Analysts, Product Wizards, UX Designers, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Foreing Trade and Banking Analysts.
This combined experience brings all sorts of skills and knowledge to the table. These include technical and business-oriented skills, but above all, it brings creative thinking, problem-solving, resiliency, experience in working for global and diverse teams remotely among different languages and cultures, reporting to stakeholders, and the ability to do all this while having fun!
We are lucky to already have the support of several Stakepool Operators from the region, senior Cardano enthusiasts and key members of our community, acting in an advisory and promoter capacity, with whom we meet regularly and are already essential members of ALDEA.
Finally, we welcome any and all members of our community eager to take a more active role and help us in making ALDEA grow to reach its full potential.
Based on the experience the team had while working on Phase 0, and considering:
The budget needed for Phase 1 of ALDEA is as follows:
$20 x 12 hs/week x 6 people x 16 weeks of total work = USD 23,040.-
Please note this does not mean all members will work 12 hs/week each for the whole 16 weeks. It intends to be an estimate of the overall linear team effort required. Tasks will be prioritized and distributed according to skills as needed. The budget and deliverables for each task will be estimated and agreed upon by the team, following the same principles ALDEA aspires to uphold.
Periodical AMA Live Sessions will be hosted with the Community to share progress and insights, gather feedback and eventually hold ad-hoc, specific discussions on the many aspects of ALDEA.
23040Diverse team of SPOs (FALCO, TOPO, APOLO, RYU, CPOOL), Senior IT Geeks, Entrepreneurs, WyoHackathon Winners & Long-Term Cardano Advocates.