Last updated 4 years ago
There are no educational resources for spanish speakers who want to develop and grow their Cardano local community.
Create an introductory Cardano spanish training program to understand its basics, and also a website to incentivize community engagement
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano spanish training programs.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Create an introductory Cardano spanish training program to understand its basics, and also a website to incentivize community engagement
Team: Community management, entrepreneurs, website developers.
The problem
The spanish community is the 2nd biggest on Cardano, and the 4th most spoken language in the world, but there are almost 0 resources for people who want to learn about Cardano and start developing and growing their local communities.
Also, it's difficult to find like-minded people who want to work in projects together
The solution
We want to create a space where we can educate and motivate the Hispanic community members, and incentivize them grow their community, and to solve their local problems using the tools Cardano will provide to them. To achieve this goal, we'd like to mention 4 important features of the proposal:
1) An introductory training program for Cardano coordinators, who are new members interested in learn more about Cardano and blockchain, and also learn how to grow their local community and the whole ecosystem, according to their specific interests. (PS: the program should be created in collaboration with multiple blockchain educators and NPOs interested, and the structure of the program should be discussed further in depth, but we imagine we can make 2 separate areas, one more introductory and equal for all participants, and the second should be divided depending on the participant's specific interests.)
2) Academia Cardano: a place where community can vote and submit their own courses and get rewarded for them, and also use the website as a space to create chat groups for specific regions or subjects, to chat and discuss ideas or projects they could have, incentivizing community engagement and also building strong relationships among ambassadors, entrepreneurs, developers, etc.
3) Create a formal form to report Cardano events in a well-structured way, to keep up and follow the progress of the different hispanic local communities.
4) Create a coordinators leaderboard, to incentivize community participation and reward the most efficient members in growing their communities, with things like future trips to official events, more resources for the specific community, reputation, etc.
Details of the programs:
Part 1 (introduction and general part of the training program for all participants).
1) Introduction to blockchain
- The problem of centralization in our current world
- What is blockchain and how it works.
- The benefits of decentralization.
- Blockchain fundamentals (consesus mechanisms,blockchain busiseness networks, enterprise solutions and use cases, etc).
2) Introduction to Cardano & cryptocurrencies
- What are cryptocurrencies?
- Introduction to 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation blockchains.
- What is Cardano? (Mission, vision, values and goals, etc).
- Cardano 101 (treasury system, Ouroboros consensus, stakepools, etc)
- The importance of decentralized governance (Project catalyst deep dive and DAOs explanation).
- Cardano's roadmap and future vision.
- Benefits of tokenization.
3) Your role as a Cardano coordinator.
- Our mission to change the world
- The importance of spreading Cardano's message
- Cardano's theory of social change (our core principles as community, and a guide for the ethic development of our community)
- Roles, Responsibilities and Expectation (RRE, this is something important because it will serve as a roadmap for the Ambassadors expected participation, and to see if members actually do what they intended to do for Cardano)
- Shaping your identity as a Cardano's leader.
- How to establish goals and manage your time effectively.
- How to work with your teammates and create connections throughout Cardano's network.
- Community management principles, how to build and behave in Cardano's community
- Key concepts for organizing your events
Part 2 (Secondary training, optional for members who want to deep dive in their specific interests. The idea is that this part of the training program could be created for expert members in each specific area).
Some ideas of how these content could be structured, but they're open for debate.
2.1) Developers:
- How to use Github and Slack.
- Introduction to Marlowe playground.
- Introduction to Plutus programming language.
- How to create native assets in Cardano's blockchain.
- Hydra and layer 2 scaling solutions.
2.2) Stakepool operators:
- Use content from stakepool course to define structure.
2.3) Community managers or moderators:
- Community behaviour code.
- The importance of effective communication towards new members.
- Add more content with the help of moderators interested in participating.
2.4) Entrepreneurs:
- The benefits of developing a project in Cardano's network against VCs.
- How to plan and propose a project in Project Catalyst.
- Legal advice for setting a blockchain based solution in your country (CF and Latin americans organizations advice).
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.
- Important considerations to organize a teamwork environment.
- Key parts of a well-planned developing team.
- Tokenomics, Governance and more important aspects.
2.5) Content creators:
- Cardano branding tools.
- Useful tools to organize, design, edite and publish educational content (Gimbalabs structure for rewarding content creators, and Trello project management).
- How to create engagement in social media.
2.6) Translators
Development phases:
Phase 1: Training program development and structure.
- Website development, for hosting the courses and space chats groups.
- Development of training program part 1.
- Collaborations with blockchain educators and content creators, who will review part 1 and also start creating part 2.
- Set up official form to report events from local coordinators.
- Define coordinators hierarchy (first year junior, if participate successfully, then senior nomination option, and then chief departments to coordinate specific areas, like countries, regions or provinces).
Phase 2: Finalizing and launching the program.
- Develop and finalize training program part 2. This part will include experts in each specific area who will be incentivized by the reward programs.
- Define official members who will help, organize and manage local community centers and activities (first hierarchy structure with pioneer participants of the organization in each country of the hispanic community).
- Marketing strategy to launch and attract interested participants to join the coordinators training program.
Phase 3: Assessing progress
- Organizing firsts meetups with participants who successfully completed the training program.
- RRE (Roles-responsibilities-Expectations) reviews of the coordinators, to assess progress and give guidance.
- Local events start going on, and official forms get submitted to the organization. With this information, give updates every 4 months of the communities developments and growths.
Phase 4: Incentives
- Reward the more effective coordinators from the top leadeboard.
- Continue with local meetups or webinars for helping people to propose their ideas on Catalyst.
- Rewards for content creators on Cardano Academy.
The team:
I'm in the crypto space since late 2018, and I'm creating educational content resources in social media about blockchain and Cardano specifically ( I want to take this to the next level by creating a one-stop website for spanish speakers to learn, engage and create solutions together.
My team consist of developers who can deploy the website, and if the project get funded I'll create the part 1 program alongside with blockchain experts and stakepools operators from the hispanic community.
Metrics for success:
- Numbers of applicants to the training program in 1 year since the program is released.
- Numbers of members who finalize the training programs.
- Number of space chats groups created in the platform, and number of projects created in those chat groups.
- Number of local meetups and events created by the Cardano coordinators.
- Percentage of goals accomplished in the Cardano coordinator's RREs.
- New Hispanic members joining and proposing on Catalyst / ALDEA.
- New developers learning Plutus and Marlowe.
- Website design: 1500 USD.
- Website hosting for 2 years (teachable): 2400 USD.
- Official members incentives (for organizational jobs managing local communities in hispanic countries): 2000 USD.
- Marketing launching campaign and branding design: 1000 USD.
- Design and creation of Training program part 1 (including collaborators): 4000 USD.
- Incentives for Cardano Academy (distributed to blockchain experts in each specific area who contribute to part 2): 4000 USD.
- Incentives for top coordinators leaderboards: 2000 USD.
Total budget: 16900 USD
Team: Community management, entrepreneurs, website developers.