Last updated 4 years ago
People want to make change but don't have the skills, finances or time to do it. How can we help hubs flourish?
Every 5 days a winning donator will be picked.
Winner receives:
This is the total amount allocated to Charity Casino.
Every 5 days a winning donator will be picked.
Winner receives:
My partner has a degree in computer science and multi years experience in java. I have experience managing a business.
Temporary donations facilitated by smart contracts are made to "The Charity Hub".
- Winners are selected with a raffle type system.
The donating user will be asked for:
- If we receive sufficient funding or get enough momentum we would set up a stake pool to facilitate the process.
0.5% of stake pool rewards will go towards maintaining the pool and operations.
- If full automation becomes possible turning into a non profit long term is being heavily considered.
50000My partner has a degree in computer science and multi years experience in java. I have experience managing a business.