Last updated 4 years ago
An incentive to use Cardano has to be created for groups that are creating and experimenting with new technologies.
Provide useful real case examples and hints to use Cardano. Those hints can be used for hackathons and university groups/projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Help University/hacker association.
Provide useful real case examples and hints to use Cardano. Those hints can be used for hackathons and university groups/projects.
Bachelor of Science, applied Computer Science
2+ Years professional experience as a Software developer
5+ Years experience in SEO, marketi
We should target and encourage groups and people that are very willing to learn and build new things that can help people to manage private and business smart contracts with customers.
University projects and white hat hacker groups can be a creative target.
They just want to build things and try out new technologies.
An incentive could be a reward system from 1st to xxth place.
Or just as a thanks as soon as the first unique idea is implemented.
Of course the reward could also be used to fund an infrastructure, which could also be hosted by IOG. Access would be granted to those that already showed their work or a detailed plan how to approach the new idea.
Many motivated individuals will not care for a reward but it could still be a nice appreciation and will also pull in more devoted groups.
This could also happen in a larger city where likeminded Cryptomaniacs come together to build something great!
A Hackathon will be hold in cooperation with online communities and the Cardano community once smart contracts are deployed on the main net. Setting up a website will be the easy part. The hard part will be validating the ideas. Should the teams build a UI as well? So it would already be like a finished idea.
First challenge for the hackathon is: Build an easy to access smart contract (easy to use UI) to manage appointments between clients and the offerer. This is already possible in Marlow but the connection between the webservice and the smart contract has to be implemented in a creative way. The client should be able to reserve an appointment. If the appointment is canceled by the client, only 90% is being transfered back to the client and 10% to the offerer as a collateral for reserving the slot.
If both parties meet their requirements, 100% is being send to the offerer.
If the offerer declines or cancels the appointment, 100% of the value is being sent back to the client.
It has to be easy to use, quick and simple.
This is the first hackathon with a timespan of 3 days from beginning (date).
The marketing for this Hackathon will be done on one of Cathalysts marketing channels and on Cardano crypto channels that have been contacted beforehand
10000Bachelor of Science, applied Computer Science
2+ Years professional experience as a Software developer
5+ Years experience in SEO, marketi