Last updated 3 years ago
WADA's Blockchain Resource Hubs for Solution Design have no formal relationship with the Cardano Foundation (CF).
Obtain Cardano Foundation funding to register Hubs, and to enable access to the Foundation's oversight and resources.
This is the total amount allocated to Local Centers in West Africa.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Obtain Cardano Foundation funding to register Hubs, and to enable access to the Foundation's oversight and resources.
Team: Marketing, Project & Nonprofit Work Experience in W/Africa, Software Developers, Project Management, Analytics, Community Engagement
Purpose of the Proposal
WADA (West Africa Decentralized Alliance) is rapidly gaining momentum through its network of hubs in mobilizing local communities to solve local problems using Cardano. By simultaneously opening multiple Blockchain resource centers spread over Africa, we will speed up Cardano adoption dramatically. The LCCs will all be connected over WADA's network and therefore have access to the WADA network of resources.
The aim of this Proposal is to strengthen these network of hubs by obtaining funding, oversight, and other material support through the Cardano Foundation's (CF) Local Community Center model.
Funding required: 4X LCC Registration and Documentation Fees @ 1000 USD each
Strategic Landscape
Some of these resources already available in the WADA network are:
Strategic Direction
With the goal of combining multiple types of LCC in the long term (Developers center, DeFi / DAO center, Business Solution center) each LCC will have a specialty with the aim to share learning with the other LCCs as we grow.
Major Milestones
Year 1
Risk Management
We will work within our overall Risk Framework as out lined here:
Budget Breakdown
4X LCC Registration and Documentation Fees @ 1000 USD each
The Proposing TEAM
Affiliation with other Projects/Proposals
Project Brief:
4000Team: Marketing, Project & Nonprofit Work Experience in W/Africa, Software Developers, Project Management, Analytics, Community Engagement