Last updated 3 years ago
There is low penetration of Cardano philosophy and vision in non-English speaking countries, that constitute 83% of world population.
Translate in Russian Charles Hoskinson's YouTube videos (3 months period) to promote Cardano philosophy to 3% population.
This is the total amount allocated to Charles Hoskinson in Russian.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Translate in Russian Charles Hoskinson's YouTube videos (3 months period) to promote Cardano philosophy to 3% population.
We have recoded demo of translation:
There are two ways of increasing meaningful participation from proposers, advisors, and voters in Catalyst:
⢠By increasing believe in philosophy and mission of Cardano of existing ADA holders
⢠By increasing number of ADA holders
Both points could be easily improved by engaging non-English-speaking people. There is not much difficulty in using Idea scale website with help of Google translate if there is desire to participate. Much harder is to invoke desire. For English speaking public there is great engaging and marketing channel â Charles Hoskinson YouTube video blog. It is most popular YouTube channel about Cardano, with 147 thousand subscribers and 27-180 thousand views for each video in one week. But there are no active YouTube channels about Cardano in other languages. I have found only one non-English YouTube channel, it is on Spanish ( and posts mainly highlights, not full videos. According to Wikipedia English speaks only 17% of the world. We could greatly improve participation in Catalyst by translating Charles's videos in different languages.
Here I propose to translate Charles Hoskinson videos to Russian language, because I am native speaker of it. Russian speaks 258 million people, so we could increase overall number of views by up to 19% (English speaks 1 348 million people, 258/1348 = 0.19).
By increasing number of Charles's views, we are accordingly increasing Catalyst participation.
It would take one year to achieve full maturity of Russian channel. Currently minimal number of views for one Charles's video is 27 000 during 1st week of issuing. So, we could set next goals for this proposal:
1 month â 270 views in Russian during 1st week of issuing (+1% participation)
3 months â 540 views in Russian during 1st week of issuing (+2% participation)
6 months â 1350 views in Russian during 1st week of issuing (+5% participation)
12 months â 5130 views in Russian during 1st week of issuing (+19% participation, maximum maturity of video channel)
I propose to fund the first 3 months of translation to be able to assess goal achievement during 1st month and make decision for continue during Fund7 campaign without interrupting channel's operation.
Charles Hoskinson produced roughly 100 hours of videos in 2020, it makes 25 hours per 3 months. Cost of transcription, translation, dubbing and video editing in Russian for 1 hour is roughly 260 USD, so 3 months of translation would cost 6 500 USD.
After each episode from Charles I will create mini tenders on site for the best cost proposition separately for transcription/translation and for dubbing. Any remaining funds would be spent on translation of Charles Hoskinson's interviews.
We could half the cost by making only Russian subtitles, but marketing effectiveness would be greatly decreased. There is huge competition for viewer attention. YouTube videos now are very sophisticated.
The ways to promote translated videos are:
⢠By publishing them on major Russian cryptocurrency forums (,
⢠By word-of-mouth marketing through Russian Cardano telegram channel, that has now 1156 participants. Each participant accordingly would spread the videos by own social media (Facebook, VK, Twitter).
6500We have recoded demo of translation: