What is a DAO? Answers to that question are being sought by multiple groups in the orbit of Catalyst without coordination or communication.
Create a body where existing and emergent DAOs and Project Catalyst can communicate and document DAOs. Research ways to improve them.
This is the total amount allocated to A Council of Catalyst DAOs.
DAOs (Decentralised Autonomous Organisations) are a very new phenomenon and as of yet not completely defined in concept and structure. Theoretically, a DAO represents an innovation in the design of organizations, in its emphasis on computerized rules and contracts, but getting an organization of individuals to that automated point is not a straightforward process.
Already several DAOs are emerging in and around the Catalyst community. Find ways to better optimize their decentralized decision-making capabilities and better integrate their experiences, successes, and failures with the larger Catalyst community. To enable the exchange of ideas, to learn from each other's successes and mistakes to research ways of improving decentralized decision-making, and to document our progress.
We seek the creation and facilitation of an open space where representatives from each DAO and Project Catalyst can research, communicate and document DAOs. To enable the exchange of ideas, to learn from each other's successes and mistakes to research ways of improving decentralized decision-making, and to document our progress.
Help existing DAOs document their process so others can learn from their experience. Besides creating and facilitating the open space for the already existing and emerging Catalyst DAOs, publish all meeting notes and research material openly on GitHub for future DAO projects to access. We plan to output research materials, meeting notes, strategies are undertaken by existing DAOs (what was tried, what worked, what didn't work).
The principle behind the council is that through iterative and collaborative wisdom we can foster a thriving environment around DAOs on the Cardano ecosystem.
DAOs that have already confirmed their interest in participating in the project:
WADA (West Africa Decentralized Alliance) - https://wadaliance.org
NFT-DAO- https://nft-dao.org/
Proof of Africa - https://poapool.com/
What success looks like
Phase 1 (3 months) : Organise: Form council of Catalyst DAOs – create a body, share research, publish findings – Fund 5
Phase 2 (6 months) : Autonomy: Propose and mentor DAO models – Future Fund
Phase 3 (12 months): Distributed Model - Future Fund
Roadmap - Phase 1
We plan on organising and facilitating an initial meeting between representatives from member DAOs in May. The research and document collection and publication stage can commence once funding is received from Project Catalyst. Our aim is to have the space and resources live by early September. At that time we will also start organising regular, documented meetings between representatives from member DAOs.
Phase 1 will focus on building relationships between the existing DAOs in the project and generating materials based on their experiences.
Organise, Facilitate & Project Management
Phase 1 - 3 months - 5hrs/week - 1800
Research and Publication
Phase 1 - 3 months - 6hrs/week - 2160
Total: 3960
The Team
Rares Kövesdi - Organiser, Facilitator and Project Manager
Director & Producer; Filmmaker & Game Designer; CEO & Co-Founder at New Mindflow Studio
Award-winning film director & producer. Game designer & photographer.
Selim El Madani - Research and Publication
Selim is a young swiss researcher, cultural and scientific mediator, at the Lausanne University.
3960Rares, 15yrs of production experience & Selim, a scientific mediator, Lausanne University & the collective knowledge of our member DAOs.