Corruption impeding development. Using blockchain as a fool proof process in development.
The aim is to decentralize using blockchain.
Create a protocol using Blockchain that can be used to plan, develop, and close-out projects at the local level - smart contracts.
This is the total amount allocated to Infrastructure & Blockchain.
In some African countries there is a history of lack of transparency, accountability, project completion, and balloon costs on capital projects, thus impeding development. Local governments are especially marginalized due to the top-down approach taken by state and federal governments in the infrastructure needs assessment process. This leave many local governments to determine ways and means of providing basic infrastructure to their communities since these governments are heavily dependent on state or federal governments for funding.
I envision blockchain as a solution to the developmental issues faced by disenfranchised local governments. It is an opportunity to decentralization capital planning and development in countries like Nigeria where the bulk of projects are determined at national and state levels with little to no consideration for the needs at the local level. By using blockchain in the development process, it will offer local governments the opportunity to develop comprehensively, using the platform for data storage of the local area lands, deeds etc. process contracts, provide access to a defined capital program that can used in the development of the village or town.
The aim will be to use blockchain during all stages of the town & capital planning and project management processes. The data such as land surveys, environmentally sensitive areas, existing infrastructure, land use designation etc. will be collected and digitized, making it available to all stakeholders. This ensure the data and project information will be accessible, decentralized, and transparent. By assessing community needs and digitizing the data at various stages of development, local governments can use that information to openly source funds for projects using applicable methods be it crowdfunding, Public-Private Partnership or foreign investments or aid.
Once funded, the procurement process will remain transparent as well as the construction process which will require certain milestones be met before compensation can be remunerated.
Every aspect of the process with the community's comprehensive plan will be kept in the system allowing all involved easy collaboration, access, accountability, and efficient completion.
Therefore, the phases will include
Due Diligence
During this phase, the intent is to develop a database of parcels using geographical information system (GIS) to identify property boundaries and other key features delineating the properties belonging to the residents versus local government. This data can be store on a platform that makes:
• Access to pertinent development data easy to access
• Create records management processes tracking the data usage, review etc.
• Data management available as an open source with highly sensitive data shielded
This stage is where data collection in form of a land repository information is important to the next stages and how the comprehensive town planning can proceed.
This will also be the stage where identified local government personnel will start to learn and be trained on access and usage of the data.
For communities which do not have established best practices, this stage will accommodate the establishment or consolidation of best practices that can be codified for the specific community in defining how major and minor infrastructure are designed and built.
During this stage, the data collected is used by the applicable urban or town planners and engineers to establish essential infrastructure projects based on the initial assessment. The intent of this stage to define a portfolio of project that can support the development which will drive economic activities that will in turn improve quality of life people.
Since the information will be accessible to all, engagement of the community as part of the needs assessment becomes an integral part of the planning process and helps with the different levels of projects necessary for a well establish community.
This phase is where the funding approach is explored by the local government to determine what funding source best serves the project needs. Avenues to support development are explored as it pertains to the individual or collective projects. Once funding is secured this information is included in the database which again will be accessible to anyone keeping the process transparent. This will now prompt the next stage will include procurement for either design or construction services. Also, this is where smart contracts will be heavily utilized during the procurement, design, and construction processes.
In this phase, the identified priority projects move from the procurement stage to execution depending on whether it is designing or construction. This stage gives the stakeholder easy access and ability to collaborate effectively. Since milestones will need to be met before compensation can be disbursed, each stakeholder having a deliverable to be met is inclined to do so in a timely manner.
Research shows "due to its ability to increase accountability, efficiency and innovation within teams, blockchain is able to incur very significant cost reductions in projects. On the other hand, projects that invest more energy into effective monitoring via blockchain technology are able to have higher rates of success in terms of costs, scheduling, and quality of outcomes and so on." (A. Lawrence) Further, stakeholders do not necessarily need to comprehend the technology itself in order to use the system, as its ease of use takes away the problem with hierarchical and bureaucratic systems in information sharing, signs off, data assessment and other facets of the process.
1. Creates an innovative approach to project development, planning, contract management and construction.
2. Create accessibility to data on landowners and geographical information useful for development.
3. Creates a planned urban development best practice.
4. Creates knowledge transfer continued community develop
5. Creates a commerce engine that can stimulate economic activities.
6. Articulate transparency through the use of smart contracts.
7. Create private and public keys to work in real time
8. Affords opportunity for funding source improving credibility of projects.
9. Promote general oversight through reporting and data generation.
1. Decentralizing urban development from a top-bottom approach to a bottom-up approach with focus on local community needs may stalled due to:
a. Local government lack of experts
b. Lack of infrastructure in core areas
2. Local government inability to raise infrastructure dollars may result in
a. Absence of means to engage experts for knowledge transfer through training programs
b. Impediments to economic opportunities because of inability to create a local economy through new job creations.
3. Inability to understand growth and development can be localized using a decentralized approach to planning and funding projects.
Community of Interest as a Study
Community Name: Idera
Region: Ifelodun
State: Kwara
Country: Nigeria
Area Formation: Village
Geo Coordinates: 8.443606992265282,5.10854646016441
Population: Unknown
Government Type: Traditional Leadership (Chief)
Current Local Authority: Onidera of Idera, James O Buremoh
Community Boundary Aerial view
Brief: There is limited information about this community; however, it makes for a good case study in determining how to integrate the use of blockchain in infrastructure planning the community has three main access roadways as depicted on aerial view. Assuming these main access paths are the main corridor for movement of goods and services, the current state of the roads pose real concerns during rainy season. Based on general observations, can be inferred that the community currently has a slow economy as it does not boast of any economic activities within itself nor with the state capital that is thirty-seven miles away.
Study Interest: Determine the effects of decentralization on infrastructure planning and development and connecting how such planned approach can boost development which in turn leads to economic activities.
Lawrence. A. (2021) How Blockchain Technology Can Change Project Management.
18 yrs. Engineering, 2 plus yrs. capital planning & asset and 8 yrs. program management.