There is a lack of philosophical discussion at community level about Cardano, so an opportunity to engage people is being missed.
Work with established community philosophy networks, to build a philosophy-based Hub and lead philosophy discussion within Catalyst.
This is the total amount allocated to Penny Lane Liverpool Philosophy Hub.
This project addresses the challenge by meeting people where they are, and engaging them with Cardano through what they are already interested in - in this case, philosophy.
We aim to build one new community hub focused on philosophy, by leading sessions about the philosophy of blockchain with a grassroots philosophy community in Liverpool, England. From there, we aim to
Project detail
Philosophy In Pubs, or PIPs is a network of groups of ordinary citizens who meet regularly to engage in the practice of philosophic dialogue. The groups are influenced by "community of enquiry" principles, and aim to be critical, caring, creative and collaborative. The groups - particularly the original one, in Liverpool, England - attract many working-class, autodidact people who are interested in grass-roots philosophy outside of academia.
This proposal will work with members of the Liverpool branch of PIPs, to deliver a series of 10 sessions exploring the philosophical implications of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, Cardano, and Catalyst. We will inform people about the philosophical background to blockchain in general and Cardano in particular; and invite them to discuss the philosophical implications of things such as digital ID, self-sovereignty, decentralisation, and more. (The exact content of the sessions is in the process of being agreed with the PIPs group; and we intend the sessions to be supported by QA-DAO's Ekphrasis GitBook (, where philosophical and academic material related to Cardano is collated. (See for QA-DAO's related Fund 7 proposal to resource the GitBook until April 2022, after which we intend for a member of PIPs to take over.)
At the end of each session, the group will decide on a provocation or discussion point which will become the theme of a regular weekly breakout room at Saturday Swarm or After Town Hall. Members of the PIPs group (who are already comfortable with meeting on Zoom, as they have been meeting this way throughout the pandemic) will help to facilitate the discussion with members of the Catalyst community, producing cross-pollination of ideas, creating a space for the discussion of philosophy within Catalyst, and onboarding PIPs members into Catalyst.
In the final 2 sessions, members of the PIPs group will work with the facilitators to create a toolkit /learning resorce /playbook (containing background reading lists, session-plans, games, pecha kuchas, talking points, provocations, etc) to enable other grass-roots pholosophy groups around the UK and beyond to self-lead a similar set of sessions themselves. The toolkit will be made available via the existing PIPs network of around 20 groups all over the UK; and via the U3A (University of the Third Age) network ( in the UK. It will also be translated into one other language (probably French, though this is still to be confirmed) so that it can be shared with a primarily non-English-speaking network such as Cafes-Philo (
After the sessions finish, the project aims for one member of Liverpool PIPs to take on the running of QA-DAO's Ekphrasis GitBook - collating philosophical content relevant to Cardano, and leading and stimulating philosophical discussion and enquiry within Catalyst via Discord, breakout rooms, etc - for a period of 3 months.
1. Outcomes and definitions of success
2. Outputs
o $330 per session x 2 PIPs members x2 sessions to help devise it $1,320
o Writing and layout: $1,985
o Translation into 1 additional language $1,325
o Host longterm on PIPs website, and publicise/promote $665
Total $25,755
Project Timeline
Risk assessment
Team experience
Vanessa Cardui (@CallyFromAuron) is a skilled peer facilitator and community engagement manager. She has over 20 years' experience of participatory work with communities, including writing learning resources for adults, and has led a range of groundbreaking publicly-funded community engagement projects in the UK with working-class urban communities. (see for example Creation of a Community, a community archiving project on a working-class estate in Cheshire, England, exploring class, race and Carnival Queens! ) She is currently leading on a Fund 6 funded proposal, Homeless Hub ( ). She is from a working-class Liverpool background and is an ex-member of Liverpool PIPs, so has a solid understanding of both the PIPs community, and the wider working-class Liverpool community that it is rooted in. And as a relative newcomer to Catalyst, she has an understanding of what support and information newcomers might need.
Stephen Whitenstall (@swhitenstall) is an experienced peer facilitator with 30 years experience in business, community and academic projects. Stephen has a First Class Honours degree in philosophy and was drawn to Cardano by an academic interest in distributed governance . He has documented the philosophical underpinning of Cardano in an Ekphrasis GitBook ( ) and recorded recent community discussions such as Bridge Builders on the QA-DAO blog ( An active former member of PIPs he can combine knowledge of the local Liverpool community with current activity in Catalyst.
Penny Lane is a project of QA-DAO (, an ongoing open source project that provides support for the Cardano Project Catalyst Community. Penny Lane's project documentation will follow QA-DAO ideals of open-source transparency and auditability.
Vanessa Cardui and Stephen Whitenstall are skilled community facilitators; ex-members of Liverpool PIPs; and active within Catalyst.