Last updated 3 years ago
Current crypto games are very Western centric. It is imperative to involve the East Asian's involvement in achieving wider adoption.
Design a game that fits the East Asian appetite, pushing it out on mobile and PC platform as they're the most popular platforms.
This is the total amount allocated to Gliese 16c - Asian NFT game.
Design a game that fits the East Asian appetite, pushing it out on mobile and PC platform as they're the most popular platforms.
4 years in Project Management, vast resource connection in IT. As an South-East Asian, and a gaming enthusiast, I know Asian game appetites.
3 out of 5 top app spending countries are from Asia, with China leading with $30bn USD in 2017, double the figure of the 2nd place - the US. on $15bn. It is projected in 2022 that Chinese spending will reach $60bn, America $29bn and Japan $20bn. (ref. 1)
The market is unmistakably large. It is a shame how Chinese government decided to go with crypto, but this does not have to be the end of it. The holders in China are constantly looking for a way out or other means in utilising their asset, many are still actively trading using oversea accounts. (ref. 2)
The project's website is currently under construction. It is planned to be released within this year/New Year and hopefully initiate the sale of founding NFTs shortly after. The founding NFTs are playable characters for the game. Some of it will be limited edition skin variants only obtainable during the founding sale. Albeit the game is Asian focused where other Chinese speaking countries such as Taiwan and Singapore can freely participate, Gliese 16c will also be released in the West.
With the funding received, the project can proceed to prepare the creation of the first phase of the game prototype (MVP). Battle gameplay, UX layout, music and world setting of Gliese 16c will be revealed.
Current Status
5 out of 6 characters are completed, with 2 of them having special edition skin. The website is currently at the wireframe stage. As soon as the 6th character is completed. The team is currently in discussion with NFTMaker Pro in launching the website and the sale of founding NFTs.
What is Gliese 16c?
The game is set in a future timeline where part of the human moved to the Earth like planet - Gliese 16c. They prospered by utilising a rare mineral unique to the Gliese system, which has infused magical energy. The planet is four times the size of the earth, making the environment vastly dynamic.
Genre will be an RPG exploration game, where players can explore a 2D map and enter into 3D battles. Loots will vary, the team is actively looking for possible collaborations where rewards could include a chance to be another game's NFT.
Gliese 16c aims to be a mid-tier mobile game, where full development cost would come around $200,000. The project aims to achieve this by stages outlined in below Roadmap.
So what is the next step (Roadmap)?
2022 Q1 - Foundation
Budget: $9,700
Success Criteria (3 months):
2022 Q2 - Building MVP
Budget: $23,600
Success Criteria (6 months):
2022 Q3 - Demo - TBD
Community feedback for tweaks and improvement, and will return to Catalyst for Phase 2, where the prologue of the game and the demo would be developed. 2nd round of founding NFTs will be offered to further fund the game development.
2022 Q4 - Alpha - TBD
Bring all the components together and make the game come to life in an Alpha version for the community to try out. A trailer will also be made available for promotional purpose.
Success Criteria (12 month)
4 years in Project Management, vast resource connection in IT. As an South-East Asian, and a gaming enthusiast, I know Asian game appetites.