Last updated 3 years ago
Scams are everywhere and we want to help those who get trapped and fall into a scam.
A simple solution to a big problem.
Become a new version of yourself embracing your own mistakes.
Finding support right after you've been scammed.
Coping with ones emotions.
This is the total amount allocated to SCAMADA SOS.
Become a new version of yourself embracing your own mistakes.
Finding support right after you've been scammed.
Coping with ones emotions.
+30 years Life coach
+15 years writer of lifestyle books
+2 years in Cardano/Blockchain
Cardano Scam Helper.
We will build a worldwide page that you can reach out to get mental help once you have been scammed so that you will get the tools to move on and become wiser and use your experience to help others by storytelling. We will start in english and from January 22 include others languages such as Spanish, Chinese etc. We even plan to enlarge this idea to include other ecosystems that all have the same problem.
In this way we will create a community based knowledge page with real people helping other people in the same situation, so that no one will be left feeling silly or stupid for long after a scam. Learn to move on the best possible way and work through the loss together with others.
1. Advice to avoid scams. Developing website.
2. For those already scammed. Developing a coaching guide and instant help-SOS system.
3. NFT badge to be part of the community.
4. Help others through your experience.
5. Get it out...write your story.
6. Join others and learn from your mistakes.
7. Become stronger and wiser after a scam.
8. Create a new vision in life.
Building a vision 2021-2025
-Scams are everywhere and we want to help those who get trapped and fall into a scam.
-By understanding and knowing.
-Giving the help needed to get through.
-For anybody who has fallen for a scam and still have to live with the anxiety and worries it brings.
-A simple solution to a big problem.
-Finding support right after you've been scammed.
-Coping with ones emotions afterwards can be hard.
-Become a new version of yourself by embracing your own mistakes.
Q4 2021
Building the site for instant help.
Engage community
Creating the membership, minting of the token SCAMADA
Free service!
NFT's with a vision.
Help others!
Learn to live again and get over your inner voice once you have been scammed.
Embrace the ignorance and face the truth.
By educating yourself and others.
Vision for 2022
Q1: Creating a platform that is for everybody around
the world that has been scammed in Cardano.
+multi languages.
+NFT for members of the community.
$2000 development of the website,
$2000 marketing and community growth.
Total: $4000
Q2: Spreading the knowledge through Your NFT.
Launch and 1st minting of SCAMADA.
the NFT contains your story.
+Using metadata to teach others.
+Earn Mystery boxes through telling your story
and learn from others.
$3000 coding and minting.
$1000 marketing and community growth.
Total: $4000
Q3: Instant support through coaching.
Free sessions development
Q4: Start of developing a Game where you can use your NFT.
Stort term success:3-6 months:
Investing own time and money in the project.
Fully developed web.
Preparing marketing and community growth through social media.
All info at one place.
Live back up and story telling to help others.
Mid-term success: 6-12 months:
Increasing awareness and successful web.
Growing the community.
Integration of NFT's to every member.
Bonus rewards to early members.
Continue marketing goals.
Long-term success 12-24 months:
Self sustaining web integrated with bonus NFT rewards for telling your story.
Scam has been limited in Cardano.
Increasing a happier community by spreading knowledge.
+30 years Life coach
+15 years writer of lifestyle books
+2 years in Cardano/Blockchain