Last updated 3 years ago
We live in a world where lack of digital integrity is a growing problem with digital documents easily getting tampered with
We intend to create an easy to use Dapp where users can upload any pdf document and attach a digital signature that will be verifiable
This is the total amount allocated to Digital Document Signatures.
We intend to create an easy to use Dapp where users can upload any pdf document and attach a digital signature that will be verifiable
I'm a 6 year software developer, Introduction Cryptocurrencies Certificate ,Computer Science Degree
We hope to partner with one or two Learning Institutions to pilot our project then slowly grow the base of users and ultimately look to support various Governments entities through various initiatives such as digital document verifications to help push a more green and none paper based agenda. We will be charging Institutions to have their documents get digital signatures for unique identification, with a clever easy to use verification process, that even none technological users will be able to use
If we can successfully onboard 3 Major Learning Institutions within the first 7 Months, This will greatly position us, for adoption as will be able to dip in a pool of Learners, who will go into society familiar with our technology making it easier for us to onboard them on other Dapp based facilities,
This success will also make it easier for us to convince our new Technologically friendly government of the potential of Blockchain and Cardano
I'm a 6 year software developer, Introduction Cryptocurrencies Certificate ,Computer Science Degree