We all need pure water to survive and the OMIMIMO game protects nature and pure water while gaining knowledge and having fun through CNFT's.
Developing a future store of value by protecting pure water and rare species.
Building gamers cognitive capacities & Knowledge of nature.
This is the total amount allocated to OMIMIMO The Pure Water Game.
We bring the hidden gems in the world together on the Cardano blockchain to protect the wildlife biome and make people aware of the purest resources on earth.
Through gaming our goal is to increase and train cognitive capacities in all humans, and through a cool gameplay and story even catch and reach the passively pro clean water gamers.
Starting in Sweden, Europe 2022.
Empathy for nature and a passion to protect nature together in a flow on the blockchain.
Have your own piece of wild nature on a NFT. Help protect rare species of mammals, fish, insects, plants and trees while enjoying the game.
Our Non-profit team will take care of the nature reserve and protect it so it remains pure and untouched.
We even plan to measure the pure water live for it's purity and put the data on the blockchain, the created software will realtime manage the water sources data from a sensor and even manage the volume, quality that will show up for holders on a dashboard and give you an up to date report whenever you want it to.
We'll prepare the Nordic wild camp so that you can physically take a trip and spend time in this natural reserve and enjoy some peaceful moments.
You will own your own piece of the terrain(m2) a token and the metadata will back up your ownership.
Be part of the digital immortality in nature.
By tokenising pure water you'll be the owner of a reallife asset and by joining the community in the game collect epic, rare, uncommon and common species.
We will through a catching game be able to reach even the most passively pro clean water gamers so that they too will gain knowledge about the importance of preserving nature.
It will be a play to earn survival 3D game, free to play for all, where you can earn rewards and earn revenue with Omimimo the in-game currency that will fuel the system. The Omimimo tokens will be stored in a treasury to enlarge future possibilities for the community.
The NFT's will allow you to get special access to fuel the system and all players will form a DAO to increase ranks and later on govern decisions.
There will be levels of learning to upgrade and improve your rank through finding mystery boxes and surviving predators in nature depending on which NFT you enter with. You will be able to learn about the biome's species and what their unique benefits are for the eco-system.
All while having fun chasing for food and water and avoiding traps.
Our philosophy is that knowledge is care.
By having a KickAss gamestory we will integrate the gamers community in more than "just" a game by training their cognitive capacities and they will have influence on our future world and the importance to protect nature.
A collective increased intelligence will be created.
To be able to care for nature you have to know. Through the Omimimo game you will gain knowledge and connect dot to dot how the eco-system works and why exactly all species are needed, even those underground and the ones you don't even notice.
This way we will be able to engage people from all over the world to care about the biome based on the knowledge they have gained through the game and everyone will profit and know why it's so important to take care of and protect wild nature.
By caring we all grow and collectively create enlightenment on earth.
We will also preserve hidden knowledge about plants, trees, fish and mammals. For further generations to come. We will study the biome through our Non-profit and collect data of all the species found in the area, so that the NFT is backed by a real knowledge that you as a token holder will have exclusive asses to.
Collect and learn through NFT's.
Combining Real world assets with knowledge about rareties of endangered species.
The main challenge will be to connect the real world protection of nature through our Non-profit with the gamification so that it's not only a simple Nft game but actually takes it a step further.
But we know this is indeed possible with all the enthusiastic people on our team.
They all have a special connection and passion for the Cardano Blockchain and believe the world is ready for some change in a positive direction.
We believe in binding tech to nature, we problem solve and innovate. For a better world.
We will expand our team and create a VR possibility in the Omimimo game as we acquire more partnerships and funding.
Q1 22
Developing website, gameplay and growing the OMIMIMO community through social media until 1st
NFT launch April 2022.
Create visual material explaining the Omimimo game.
Minting of the first 5000 PureWater tokens.
Collect the early edition and join the game adventure.
Backend coding and game development.
Q2 22
Frontend coding and game development. Improving the game features.
Classifying All Rare species of wildlife. Collect families in the biome.
Design improvement to customisation in the game.
Marketing and additional funding of the project.
Improve the game mechanics.
Finding testers for the game/improvement with bonusses.
Implementation of software to measure the water source in realtime from a sensor.(see attachment)
Full dashboard control and reports ready for holders of the NFT.
Organic growth of the community.
Q3 22
Game Launch. July 2022.
Interact with nature through NFT's.
Mystery boxes revealed. 2nd launch of 5000 NFT's.
You'll be able to visit the 1st Nordic Wild Camp and enjoy the combination of the digital and real world infused. In 2023 the digital avatar will bring you this adventure through VR.
The Game with a higher purpose.
In 2025 expanding worldwide.
As the owner of a pure water token, the OMIMIMO token. A unique asset saved on metadata that allows you to be part of an emerging technology for a better and purer world and to protect the gems of nature.
You will be able to interact with wildlife, collect species of fish, insects, mammals, plants and trees with different rareties.
They all have one thing in common, the need for pure water to survive.
Have fun while collecting and interacting with nature. Gain knowledge on new species you didn't know existed all while helping saving untouched nature in different parts of the world.
With a 20% growth a year this will allow future savings and you are able to have the ownership for generations to come.
Gameplay: Find hidden treasures in nature, collect families and gain mystery boxes with ranks.
Visit the Nordic Wild Camp in real life and infuse technology and pure water by relaxing in nature.
Recover your spirit in nature while enjoying the impact you have brought to live by investing in the infusion between the old and the new world.
Feel the integrity and be part of a visionary future.
ELEVATION 2022-2026:
Q2-22 The NFT's brought to life, Epic, Rare, uncommon and common minting, launch and marketing period.
Concept design, 3 weeks $ 4000
Webpage development, 4 weeks $ 5000
Coding, 5weeks $ 12000
Total: $21000
Q2-22 The OMIMIMO Game starts with diversifying rare species of plants, mammals, fish and trees, collect and learn. Interaction and breeding to upgrade your collection.
They all need PureWater to survive. Play around in nature and find hidden gems that gives you rights to special food, water and shelter. Build your own community with your favourite species. Learning by doing and exploring nature in the North. Find new ways to survive by understanding the meaning of your surroundings and interact with these to upgrade.
Marketing,5 weeks $5000
Real world pure water measures to protect pure water.
Integration of data on your NFT.Software development water source realtime measure, 3 weeks $3000
Legal §4500
Total: $12500
Q3-22 Real life visits to the Nordic Wild camp. As a holder you will be able to visit the water you own, see the real world asset and spend some time in real nature. See if you can find the NFT you are holding in real life and learn how to survive in the wild. Or just relax and enjoy a peaceful holiday.
Animation of NFT's $3500
Game development, 12weeks $12000
The 2nd NFT launch (5000), minting and marketing period.
Coding: $ 5000
Marketing/Community growth $ 5000
Total: $10000
TOTAL REQUEST Q2 2022 to-Q4 2022: $59000
Maria, Game creator. Women in Cardano.
W&D, Software engineers, Tecnical help, Cardano specialists.
T.T, Software engineer, Cardano game developer.
K, Tecnical support & advisor.
Collect different rarities and improve your survival skills in the OMIMIMO game.
Q4-22 VR Integration in the OMIMIMO game, so that you can play and visit nature virtually whenever and wherever you are.
Be visionary Have fun and be aware of how to make this planet a better place for all.
Short-term Success, 3-6 months:
Already invested full-time with our own money and time.
Community organic growth increasing.
Preparing the unique NFT's for 1st Launch.
Developing gameplay and demo.
Mid-term Success, 6-12 months:
Awareness about real world assets raising.
Community mystery boxes revealed for early holders.
Successful 1st and 2nd launch.
First real world Wildcamps in spring/summer 22.
Long term Success, 12-24 months:
Game fully developed with new features and knowledge about the biome in nature for all to learn more.
Beginning of VR integration.
Treasure hunt through VR or in real nature, will you be able to obtain the knowledge so that you can survive in the wilderness?
Knowledge integrated new features, such as survival skills in nature.
What kind of water can you drink?
What plants/trees contain water?
What species in the biome have secret knowledge that humans can learn from.
This knowledge will be kept on the blockchain forever for future generations to learn from too.
The project will be self-sustaining in 24 months.
Gaining worldwide knowledge about Cardano, so that more people will become aware of how blockchain technology can have an impact on the planet for future generations based on values, knowledge and care for every species.
Creating a fun game combined with NFT's with a deeper meaning behind. To protect and preserve wild nature and pure water.
Fund7 almost funded. Omimimo the Pure Water game.
We believe it's possible to combine gaming & knowledge.
+20 years as a Social Philosopher/ Futurist/ScentDeveloper/Entrepreneur.
+10 years App development. AppScent.
+15 years Author of "31 Ways to be Free" and "Anthill Warriors", upcoming futurist book.
+2 years as a Cardano Enthusiast/ Blockchain studies and research.