Last updated 2 years ago
The Cardano community often struggle to prioritise their wellbeing. Many want to improve their health, but don’t know where to start.
Create a dApp that encourages regular self-care activities with incentives, social feedback and monitoring to maintain a good baseline of wellbeing.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano for Self-Care.
Create a dApp that encourages regular self-care activities with incentives, social feedback and monitoring to maintain a good baseline of wellbeing.
We have launched an NFT project (Mushroom Mob) which focuses on improving mental health.
Registered Clinicians:
skilled with psychotherapy, behaviour change and lifestyle interventions
Haskell Software Developer:
skilled with web development, wallet integration, smart contracts
Good health comes from consistent health-promoting behaviours, e.g. regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, participating in hobbies, etc. However, trying to thrive in an economy that demands our constant attention can result in ignoring these important, healthful habits.
Often, people want to improve their health but don’t know where to start.
We propose a dApp that encourages the Cardano community to engage in simple self-care activities.
Opening the dApp: The user will be asked to rate their current mood, energy level and the amount of effort they want to dedicate to the task. Based on these results, a recommended activity and a brief description of its benefits will appear.
Recommended activities: These will focus on a holistic health model, Te Whare Tapa Whā (four pillars of wellbeing), which includes mental/emotional health, physical health, spiritual health and social health.
There will be a choice to select another activity randomly or to manually choose one.
Completing the activity: Once completed, the dApp will prompt the user to complete a brief check-in to reflect on the activity. The dApp will also invite users to share their task completion with the dApp’s Discord community for social encouragement and feedback.
Points will be awarded for completing the task and reflection, with extra points awarded for sharing the task on social media platforms. Points can be converted into rewards, such as Mushroom Mob NFTs and prizes from any future partnerships.
Monthly Wellbeing Challenges: Mushroom Mob already hosts monthly wellbeing challenges in our Discord server. These challenges can be run in the dApp; the Discord server will continue being used for ongoing social encouragement.
To our knowledge, Cardano does not currently have a dApp focusing on self-care. We chose self-care as it is a recognised area for mental health promotion and veers away from more complex clinical models of improving mental wellbeing. Internet self-help interventions can have a positive effect on reducing the risk of suicide (SDG KPI) and improving overall health.
We anticipate that regular engagement with the dApp will boost the Cardano community’s participation in self-care activities and overall wellbeing.
Cardano needs a thriving ecosystem of different Dapps, products and integrations for the community to use. We believe that for the community to thrive, we must invest in our health and ensure that there are Dapps available to encourage investment in our health whilst bringing our visions to life.
The Cardano ecosystem has the right tools, libraries and SDKs to make the idea feasible.
Building the dApp whilst managing an existing workload
The team are the founders of Mushroom Mob, an NFT project focused on promoting health and wellness. We will manage our multiple responsibilities using open communication and online project management software (e.g. Trello). We will also ensure regular breaks for our own self-care to promote the sustainability of this project.
Currency exchange volatility
We will exchange ADA into fiat upon receiving funds to mitigate this risk.
The artwork for the dApp will be sourced from our NFT project, Mushroom Mob, which will help save time.
Product design - up to 6 weeks after funding: Graphic and UX design, market research
Technical design - up to 8 weeks after funding: Develop smart contracts, source cloud infrastructure, implement design from key stakeholder outcomes identified in market research
Product development - up to 3 months after funding: write code for dApp UI, implement database
Test launch - 2-3 weeks
Personnel for Development:
Budget for Launch:
$24,500 will fund 3 months of design, development and a test launch
The Core Team are experienced working together and have successfully launched an NFT project, Mushroom Mob. We already have established connections with our community, and other Cardano NFT communities, and have a reputation as advocates of health and wellbeing.
Core Team
Audrey - Co-Founder of Mushroom Mob/Project Manager:
Registered clinician with Master of Health Sciences skilled in behaviour change and lifestyle interventions, multidisciplinary networks, Canva, blog/article writing, online adult health education.
Main focus: Networking, community growth, organise health and wellbeing workshops, resource/content development
Johnny - Co-Founder of Mushroom Mob/Creative Director/Software Developer:
Skilled with Haskell, C#, JavaScript, web development, wallet integration, smart contracts.
Main focus: Art, blockchain and web development
Scorchill - Team member of Mushroom Mob/Clinical Advisor:
Registered mental health clinician skilled in cognitive behaviour therapy, motivational interviewing, psychoeducation and psychosocial rehabilitation services.
Main focus: Community engagement, resource/content development
We have engaged with Graphic, Game and Experience Designers who have agreed to provide advice during the Development stage if we are funded.
We will likely return to Catalyst for further funding to develop future ideas.
This is a new proposal
SDG goals:
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Suicide mortality rate
We have launched an NFT project (Mushroom Mob) which focuses on improving mental health.
Registered Clinicians:
skilled with psychotherapy, behaviour change and lifestyle interventions
Haskell Software Developer:
skilled with web development, wallet integration, smart contracts