Last updated 2 years ago
News articles suffer from broken links, article versioning lacks transparency, profit models value hyperbole over facts, and the lack of a neutral third party review decreases trust in news.
Our protocol will use IPFS content addressing and the blockchain to create an immutable, auditable history of publication. Our neutral UI will force external reviews that disincentive sensationalism.
This is the total amount allocated to Decentralized Journalism Protocol.
Our protocol will use IPFS content addressing and the blockchain to create an immutable, auditable history of publication. Our neutral UI will force external reviews that disincentive sensationalism.
I have 10+ years of experience in the media industry. Several as a doc filmmaker and 6+ as a software developer. My experience as a generalist allows me to envision the final product and build a team of experts to go from prototype to beta to final product.
The protocol
The dBranch news and information protocol will standardize publication and versioning of raw data, sources, citations, articles, opinions, reviews and fact checks. Each will be published using content addressing from IPFS which will enable permanent, immutable referencing that enhance transparency and audit-ability of content and minimizes link rot (links that break over time).
IPFS alone does not create an audit-able history, for that we need a blockchain. As sources are published, their IPFS addresses (CIDs) are written to the blockchain. This gives us a record of who published what, when. As content is updated the CID representing the new version will also be added to the blockchain which gives us the ability to audit the version history.
The dBranch node
The dBranch node (github) has everything needed to publish and curate content: the cardano node, db-sync and wallet, an ipfs node and the dBranch backend. An author can use the desktop application to draft and publish content and then use the node to submit the CID to the cardano blockchain. The backend uses transaction metadata to add the CID and article name to the blockchain. Currently, the wallet sends ADA to itself, it is a moot transaction that exists solely to announce the existence of the article. The transaction in the future will be used to send a small amount of ADA to a development team for a sustainable product.
The dBranch node can be used to curate articles. It will follow the blockchain and download, store and host (via IPFS) articles from authors or topics the curator is interested in. This approach will allow the growth of cooperative networks that pool resources to expand each actor's bandwidth and availability.
A public goods non-compete protocol
For the web's data to be truly interoperable there must be a non compete layer that standardizes information exchange. The dBranch protocol will be agnostic to the economic model of all participants, this allows dBranch to plug into any social media app centralized or not, any crowd funding platform centralized or not, any blockchain, any currency, anything, anywhere.
A public goods company
Development of the protocol and open source software implementation will be sustained by a public goods company. The business will be sustained by running a cloud hosted service which makes publishing as simple as using a traditional blogging platform. Because the protocol is open, users may migrate their content to another host or self host at any time. The records will be still be on the blockchain but they must host their content themselves. For those who run their own node, the source code will automatically (unless disabled) send a small fee to the company wallet when publishing an article.
A new economic model
The dBranch whitepaper breaks journalism up into several branches: contributors (journalists), researchers (investigative journalists), reviewers, studios, curators and audience. Legacy institutions combine many (if not all) of these branches into one company with aligned financial incentives. The dBranch protocol will enable these actors to separate their financial interest; for example if a reviewer is independent from a news outlet their incentive is not to maximize the reach of a news article so they can be as honest as they like.
While the protocol will be agnostic to economic funding, the long term goal of dBranch will eventually create (but not enforce) tools for crowd funding. Current crowd funding for journalism is limited to funding individuals or small outlets, but if successful, a small outlet will grow into a large one that recreates the problems they set out to solve. dBranch aims to alleviate this by separating financial incentives (and assets) into the aforementioned branches which separates power. dBranch consumers will have the ability to fund an entire ecosystem as easily as existing crowd funding platforms, however, under the hood they are funding potentially separate entities with separate financial motivations designed to limit the negative incentives of each (read this article for more information on the different branches).
The user experience section below will explain this with examples.
User experience
The neutrality of this protocol creates protections for all participants in the news ecosystem.
For the reader
Readers will be able to read their news in a platform that is external from the publisher which means that the publisher will have to follow the protocol in order to reach an audience. Node operators and curators will use the blockchain as their news wire. Only content published with immutable history will be available in neutral platforms. This limits an author's ability to manipulate history because each version of an article or source will be verifiable.
Additionally, because the protocol standardizes citations of things like transcripts and press releases, when an author quotes a source, the protocol will be referencing the source's IPFS content ID. This prevents cherry picking and misrepresentation because the article itself will not actually contain the quoted text, it will will reference the source by content ID and the user interface will load the external citation and put the quote inline. The user won't notice the difference but they will be able to hover their mouse over the quote and load the full, original source to determine for themselves the accuracy of the representation. By making it easier to audit we make it more difficult to get away with misrepresentation.
For the journalist
Trust is a two-way street. An author who uses a transparent system is likely to be viewed as more trustworthy. Ethical journalists need not be afraid of immutable history. We all make mistakes, and audit-ability will help separate authors who make mistakes from those who manipulate history.
The long term goal of dBranch is to support full decentralization as well as have a centralized version for those without the skills (or desire) to run their own node. It will be as easy as using any existing blogging platform but robust enough to deploy your own node and fully customize the software for a particular implementation. Local news outlets will be able to reduce their IT infrastructure costs by migrating to a free and open source framework for journalism. Independents will be able to migrate their work from the centralized service to another service or self hosted node at any time.
Journalists will also be a part of the internet information revolution. A link's half life is estimated to be about two years, meaning half of all links on the internet break after about two years. This is not acceptable for a robust information system, the internet itself needs a Dewey decimal system type of revolution and dBranch aims to build that!
For a news source
News sources such as government agencies, private companies, or any newsworthy individual will gain an advantage from dBranch as well. Official sources will be cryptographically signed on the Cardano blockchain which creates trust assumptions. Raw data, press releases, transcripts, etc will all be published raw, and journalists will cite the sources directly via content id rather than copy and paste quotes and share a link to the source that will break in 2 years. Additionally by verifying wallet addresses, neutral interfaces can give sources who are cited the ability to rebut claims in news articles directly with links that are out of the authors' control.
Note: You may read the dBranch whitepaper here which has more information, but it is outdated. The general vision is the same but details and execution will change. Notably, I am shifting from running the development team as a DAO to a public goods company.
Category: Dapps, Products & Integrations
This solution integrates an external protocol with the Cardano blockchain. It fits into several of the subcategories mentioned. It could be considered a marketplace for journalism, it will eventually integrate with social media, and nation states could use it for official statements that when combined with social media can help prevent the spread of misinformation. And journalism itself fits into the miscellaneous category.
To be clear, the protocol and software is a prototype and not fully developed so the funding would cover protocol development and its first integration with any blockchain. See below for more specifics.
I can think of two potential risks. Right now I am the sole developer of this project that does not have much of a following. The first risk is that I may not succeed in building the large team necessary for the full scope of this project and the second is that it may not get enough traction to have a large user base.
To solve for the first problem the scope of this proposal is designed to take the project from the current prototype to a beta project ready for a larger scale investment. Part of the grant would go to my salary to enable me to develop the feature set of the product. And another part would go to consultation with others who have managed large scale development teams to help form a detailed, sustainable plan to present for a larger funding round.
The second problem is intrinsically linked to the first, part of building a successful team includes creating marketing and outreach to spread the word. Some of the funding I am requesting will go to consultation with others who have built teams in the past.
First month
Second month
Third month
Fourth month
See this data in spreadsheet form here.
Cloud costs
cardano-db-sync* $260/mo x 12 months = $3,120
web server** $65/mo x 12 months = $780
ipfs node** $65/mo x 12 months = $780
block storage~ $50/mo x 12 months = $600
Servers will run on digital ocean droplets (VMs).
* General purpose droplet with 32GB RAM and 200GB SSD
** General purpose droplet with 8GB RAM and 50GB SSD
~ 500GB SDD storage to be attached to IPFS node
Developer costs
$75/hr x 30 hrs per week x 4 months = $36,000
Consultation costs
business development = $100/hr x 100 hours = $10,000
engineering team = $100/hr x 100 hours = $10,000
10% = $6,128.00
Brad Corlett
Project founder
10+ years in the media industry
5+ years as a doc filmmaker
6+ years as a full stack software developer
I'm a jack of all trades whose goal is to plug all of the pieces together for a robust beta app that decentralizes written journalism in the short term, and video news in the long term.
Building a team
During this round of funding I will be looking for one or two others with experience in business development and building engineering teams to create a sustainable business plan including engineering and marketing teams. See the timeline for more details on the current vision.
I would likely return for more funding. This proposal is designed to be a stepping stone. I recently received a micro grant from IPFS to sustain development of a prototype. The goal of this proposal is to create a beta product and plan to create a sustainable business model. If successful there will be more funding needed to launch the company.
Because this proposal seeks to create a beta product and business plan, metrics like user base and readership are beyond the current scope. To track progress, the community will be able to audit the open source code and check to see if I have implemented the features I have outlined. They can download and use the software to verify that it is functional, reliable and bug free. I will also post YouTube videos where I demo using the software.
For the business and engineering plans, we will publish them publicly so that the community can see it was created and examine the work. We will also take public feedback on any of our work to ensure the community continues to approve the direction the project is headed in.
The long term vision of dBranch is to create a world with more trust in journalism. This is a two way street where citizens have more trust in journalists and journalists have more trust in their readers' ability to inform themselves. Sensationalism, cherry picking, attacks and the weaponization of information will be minimized. Information dissemination on the internet will be standardized so that it is freely exchangeable. Link rot will be minimized to near zero so that the internet can be the robust medium for information exchange that was promised.
Lastly, the fact-checking and review process will more closely match that of science. Science is humanity's best method for determining what is true and what is not true. Scientific consensus emerges out of a decentralized network of academic institutions, research labs and publication journals; in order for truth to emerge out of journalism, its fact checking and review process should mirror that of science.
This is a new proposal.
SDG goals:
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
I have 10+ years of experience in the media industry. Several as a doc filmmaker and 6+ as a software developer. My experience as a generalist allows me to envision the final product and build a team of experts to go from prototype to beta to final product.