Stakeholders on traditional business models, don't have any impact on management in the ecosystems they live in. Building DAO food delivery app! We want to streamline decentralize management.
Our solution is Decentralized Autonomous Organization delivery food app, by creating the necessary tools and voting statutes to direct future budgets, costs and rewards systems.
This is the total amount allocated to Munchy Go Delivery Food dApp DAO.
The Challenge we want to address is implementation of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and its impact on business models, products, services and how it can be implemented on everyday use cases like on demand delivery food app.
Using crypto currencies, integrating tokens on how businesses operate and how the users of those products and services can benefit and be rewarded simply and efficiently.
Our goal is to use our soon to come Minimal Viable Product(MVP) to learn as much as possible with users, and deliver a customer based solution where interface and user experience are central to our product design and innovation.
We are building a decentralised on demand food app because we can cut the middleman and trickle down economics, down to the stakeholders and impact socially and economically business models, where the users of that protocol should rip the benefits, since they are the ones who actually should decide where they want business to go next and how to create and redistribute value.
Tokens are the elected tool to monetize products and services and how user/customers interact with businesses.
The approach on DAO, needs to be directed to tokens utility and use cases, using utility tokens to interact with those protocols and applications, paying for services and products using the native tokens.
Our Stakeholders are Restaurants, Couriers and everyone who uses on demand delivery food apps.
We will implement our protocol with direct partnership, restaurants and couriers, integrating our MVP(Minimal Viable Product) with their own apps, where customers will be able to connect with those partners' websites, and by that being able to provide crypto currencies transactions and payments.
By running our protocol through smart contracts we aim to achieve efficiency and automation on every steps that takes place from ordering the food you love the most till receiving it at your doorstep.
Providing data, through oracle integration, validating each step of your order until it is delivered to you. Once your order is delivered to you and you are one happy customer the smart contract will be closed and payments will be processed.
This means you start ordering but only pay at the end, when the transaction is complete by both restaurants and the couriers.
We are addressing a three problem solution, to reduce and automate operational costs for restaurants. and use smart contracts to bring a more trustless and secure method of payment for customers and ultimately deliver a trustless coded voting system to manage fairly the same organization that provides those service/product.
Our proposed solution is to monetize and generate services/product economies based on token utility to pay for services and products. We are uniquely applying smart contracts to payment transactions, automate operacional overheads and cutting costs for restaurants and customers and increasing courier pay.
Taking advantage of Cardano smart contracts security and verifiability we are applying that to everyday’s use cases, we are bringing business to Cardano and exponentially help Cardano mass adoption.
The benefitians of our protocol will be restaurants, couriers and customers, and most of all the Cardano/Catalyst community by building a unique and essential use case on Cardano Blockchain and start our way into a decentralised autonomous organization(DAO), where Munchy Go user and holders will be able to vote on the future of the project.
We are integrating Decentralized Autonomous Organizations into our use case, creating the necessary tools on our project focusing on token utility and creating voting constructs and functions that minimize centralized management teams. Tokens are the fuel needed to blockchain adoption, tokens utility and value will determine how blockchains like Cardano can create and impact use cases, connecting crypto currencies value with their own utility and at the same time providing solutions and use cases to replace traditional business models like on demand delivery food apps.
The main risk for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations so far are plutocracies, where concentration of voting power in the hand of few can potentially damage or limit decentralization and that way being exposed to excessive control by holders of large number of tokens.
To mitigate this main risk we believe that incremental voting process are necessary to test and learn how we should address then based on community debate and feedback.
By implementing levels/areas of public debate and voting, based on specialized voting and non specialized voting.
Timeline and key milestones for our proposal are intrinsically connected with our Minimal Viable Product(MVP) since our goal and the reason we are addressing Catalyst for funding is for us to cover those cost.
That way our timeline is spread out in approximately 27 weeks total for developing and building our smart contracts and Protocol interface. So we can provide the tools necessary to generate monetization of services based on our native token.
Our budget breakdown is as follow:
Based on increase market prices per hour for Plutus/Haskell developers/engineers, we came to prices averaging between $70/h and $90/h, where we compromise on $80/h.
All our weeks of work are based on 40/h work week,
1080/h for our MVP construction and implementation.
DAO budget is 280/h * $80/h = $22400
Product management and development together with token utility and ecosystem impact key metrics will be essential to stay on target and report to our Catalyst community on our progress.
Marketing and communication will be fundamental to reach Cardano, Catalyst community and crypto currencies adopters to build our Munchy Go community of early users.
Ambitious targeting, traditional on demand delivery food applications, but we need to start with a Minimal Viable Product that creates value and disrupts markets.
Our team is composed by
Samuel Christensen: Project Lead, responsible for planning, execute and track Munchy Go different stages and deadlines and together with our developing consultant team smart contracts creation.
Experience: International Relations degree, soon to be certified Cardano Developer from Emurgo, experience on business management and Investor, owner and entrepreneur in different projects.
Ricardo Parro: Engineering Lead developer, responsible for backend and frontend, leading our technology, auditing our code process of our engineering team and ensuring its execution.
Experience: Computer Science Engineer for the past 15 years and spent the past 10 years building start ups around the globe as CTO and Engineering Lead.
Anthony Stachowitz: Head of Development and Advisor, responsible for planning and coordinate Munchy Go solutions together with our Project Lead. Responsible for integration and implementation of our ISPO as our Stake Pool Operator partner.
Experience: Liberal Arts Bachelor, Stake Pool Operator in the past 2 years, Head of Business Development, building blockchain technology/ smart contracts and Dapps for various projects.
Lise Wessel: Head of Marketing and Advisor, implementing our Marketing strategy, heading up community and making sure Munchy Go liberating decentralized application is known globally and available to millions of users, turning smart contract into efficient operational businesses tools.
Experience: Degree in Media and Communication Studies, CMO and Marketing advisor for the past 10 years, building and brand marketing strategist.
Clear Contracts: Creates blockchain technology anyone can use, as our flagship protocol, Clarity providing DAO tooling and Cardano ecosystem templates to build Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.
Mlabs: Haskell, Rust, Blockchain consultancy company, responsible for project specifications and set ups and implementation, specialise in Functional programming, and our Cardano smart contracts.
Munchy Go as a Start-up business believes to only be needing support from Catalyst and CardShift community, forever grateful for your trust, as one off event, all further development of our protocol and DAO, aims to be self- sufficient and autonomously generating enough revenue to fund our operations and future developing products.
Team meeting schedules:
Munchy GO team will meet 2 to 3 times per week, depending on workflows, combining asana and slack applications to assign and report work tasks and targets. Aligning inputs and outputs through out the team.
Every two weeks team's meeting to overview input updates, later meeting minutes will be publicly available.
Monthly Reports:
Monthly reports containing summaries of project progress, reports will provide key points related to milestones and timelines and publicly available on monthly base.
We will also provide our audit analysis reports when available as also how we as a team learned and solve the various challenges of our MVP, and how once MVP is launched reports on the data from those interaction and validations we came across.
Development reports:
First level of successful adoption: MVP completion and successfully functional, boarding users and on point orders submissions. Seamless Smart contracts interactions and payments processed accordingly.
Second level of successful adoption: Munchy Go is more efficient, cheaper, safe and trustworthy then traditional on demand food delivery apps, Munchy Go ramps up early crypto currencies adopters and amasses users from crypto world.
Third level of successful adoption: Munchy Go ecosystem flourishes and designs a new market category, where Munchy Go will be the leading mobile application that implement and execute autonomously smart contracts. Rivaling with traditional on demand delivery food apps by cutting operational costs and funneling thoses savings into users, couriers and restaurantes pockets and creating impactful monetary advantages to users ecosystem.
This is an entirely new proposal.
Samuel Christensen Co-Founder, 2 years as Blockchain investor, Cardano Developer with focus on smart contracts and how to apply them and build real use cases.
Ricardo Parro Co-founder, 10 years as CTO, 2 successful exits, one of the exits in the restaurant industry