Lack of a secure & a reliable local online marketplace in Tanzania creates a wide range of opportunities.
Ease of online transactions while providing consumers with a selection of choices.
The platform will also promote the growth of small, medium and big business within the country.
A one stop shop.
This is the total amount allocated to OUTGOING (Let's go places).
As mentioned above, many developing countries, more specifically Tanzania, lack the means to a reliable services trading platform.
The approach to this problem begins with establishing a secure & a functional platform that serves the local community with services produced by other locals within the country.
We intend to engage with the local community & business owners who would prefer to make a transition to the online marketplace. Due to our projected growth, we also expect to engage with established online stores, so as to facilitate their growth on a platform that serves all people, from different financial classes within the community.
Our project will be implemented through the use of local vendors, who are ready to transition to the online marketplace, we will provide these vendors a marketplace that will not only allow transparent transactions, but also grow their respective brands.
Advertising will be another tool for implementation. Spreading awareness to the local community about the benefits of using a decentralized financial system.
The platforms aims to produce a safe marketplace where low to high income consumers can safely and consistently browse and buy a variety of services.
The platform will also provide ad-spots. This will add to our revenue stream, consisting of commision fees.
The marketplace created by this platform, will benefit the Cardano blockchain since its users will be making all their transactions through our decentralized financial system (DApps).
Lack of awareness
This project holds a lot of potential, as it aims to serve the entire business community in Tanzania.
The solution to this risk is aggressive advertising.
Government support
Since our platform is aiming to build a secure financial system, we might not get the full support from some government agencies, since we aim to cut-off their full control in our financial system.
The solution to this is sufficient funding. This will alow us to pay for licenses and fees imposed by the government so that we meet the compliance standards.
Engineers will start development. I will also provide technical support together with designing of the user interface.
We intend to start with a team of 3 engineers and 2 graphic designers, including myself.
After the initial development, we will begin testing basic functionalities and the responsiveness of our user interface.
After the first testing phase, we will now introduce our software to small, medium and big sized business, making them aware of the advantages made possible by an online, secure and reliable Decentralized Financial System.
3. PHASE 2 TESTING (2 days)
After integrating with the business community, primarily the vendors, then we can conduct our final testing phase. This will allows us to see how best to display services respective to their vendors.
After testing and confirming our systems, we will now start adversting on Radio stations, Television stations, Billboards, Celebrity endorsements and the Internet as a whole as we launch on Google playstore, Apple store and our website.
a) 2 Back-end developers
Wages - 2000 per developer.
Total - 4,000
b) 1 Front-end developer.
Wages - 1500
Total - 1500
As we initially aim to travel through 3 main regions in Tanzania namely, Dar es Salaam, Arusha & Morogoro, educating and spreading awareness about our platform to the business communities in these areas, we will require the following.
a) 6 Marketing agents.
Wages - 800 per agent.
Total - 4800
b) Accomadation (4 people)
500 per person
Total - 2000
c) Transportation (4 people)
100 per person
Total - 400
NB: 2 of the 6 marketing agents will be working in Dar es Salaam, the location of our base, therefore they won't require the transportation and accommodation costs.
a) Radio
Daily promotion for 30 days.
200 per day.
Total - 6000
b) Television
Daily promotion for 30 days.
250 per day.
Total - 7500
c) Social media
15 posts endorsed by celebrities.
3 celebrities based in Tanzania.
100 per post.
Total per celebrity - 1500
Total - 4500
a) Office space rental fee
4 months.
1200 per month.
Total 4800
b) Computers
3 Mac book pros (16-inches)
2000 per laptop
Total - 6000
c) Servers
Renting servers for 4 months
220 per month
Total - 880
I am planning to recruit;
2 Back end developers
(proficient in java)
1 Front end developer
(proficient in html, CSS and Javascript)
1 Graphic designer
(proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After effects & Premier pro.
6 Marketing agents
(experienced marketers with a bachelor degree in marketing or related fields)
It is highly unlikely that I will return for more funds. But if I were to come for more, it will be for the sake of upgrading a 'well oiled machine' that is already up and and running.
After the first 35 days of developing and testing the entire source code supporting our platform will be posted on github. This will allow the Cardano community to review our software development.
The second stage on our time line involves integrating with vendors who will be able to display and sell their services on our platform.
Progress can be measured by the number of registered vendors.
Since we will be relying on advertising to spread awareness, we can observe the engagement and interaction of users on our social media pages. Comments, subscriptions and likes on our pages could also be a good indicator of the progress we are making.
We aspire to be the number one platform for all e-commerce services in Tanzania.
We aim to provide all classes of Tanzanians a platform to engage within a savvy business community.
Our primary goal is to become a functional and a reliable marketplace for all Tanzanians.
It is a new proposal. It has never been submitted before.
A graphic designer for over 7 years & a junior programmer.
A proud member of the Cardano African Town Hall (CATH).
I was the voted winner of the logo submission challenge.