Lack of efficiency in farming on the equator potential production is not being met. We have a bounty of raw materials but production output is low. Miscommunication between farmer owners/managers
Create a photo taking DApp using AI, ML, Robotics to improve efficiency of farm production. Conduct user research and behavioral data to prototype mobile app for SmartFarming in the farming industry.
This is the total amount allocated to SmartFarming DApp for Cardano.
The problem I’m seeing is Farming has
Huge potential/ raw materials yet hunger is still a problem
Urban farmers or city dwelling people with farms upcountry struggle to keep up with activities on the farm.
Inefficient systems lead to loss of profit and decreased output.
Systems in the Farming industry are lagging behind the 21st Century
Farming Industry has been around as long as humanity there may be resistance to new processes.
Limitations to how much information you could get from people already profiting from the current systems
Slow Adoption of new Ideas
Local conditions. Environmental conditions, Access to capital, access to business practices, social/ cultural practices.
[There are plenty of people who live in cities with have farms upcountry, who need to monitor the activities of their farm. Get farm managers to record info about their activity on the farm.
The solution is, leapfrog straight into the future. Trying to catch up with systems from the last century will leave Coffee Growth in EA trailing behind. Working with Cardano to create Smart Farming systems is an exciting opportunity.
Use to monitor the
Soil moisture
Sunlight intensity
Soil electrical conductivity
Soil temperature
The answer: Smart Farming. 4.0 green revolution in the field of agriculture combining agriculture methodologies with technology. Sensors & Actuators, Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics and Drones to achieve desired efficiencies of production with managed cost.
Connect the Urban Dwelling Farm owner to real time information on his farm. The Smart Farming system would have/include/mean the sensors, the internet and the photos.
Put some UX research into machine learning by image processing to improve the farm processing practices by reducing the amount of data that has to be collected.
Conduct user research and behavioral data to design to prototype a mobile app for smart farming in the coffee industry.
Users: urban farmer, farm worker.
Create a farm information system so Urban farmers can monitor their farm. Info about quality of farm production. Simplifying the input data, Minimising data entry means that its easy for the farmer to input the data, easing data collection.
We could begin by adding the LoRaWan Vegetable Gardening Monitoring Kit from seeedstudio. This will give us information about the Air Temp, Humidity, Sunlight, Soil Moisture, Temp and Electrical Conductivity. Soil samples would add information about the nutrient content and pH level.
App that takes photo of plants, identifies plants, identifies disease, tells you what diseases you have on the farm and how to heal plants
DApp Use Case: Taking photos of plants. As a starting point for our smart farming system. Machine learning by image processing to improve the farm processing Practices by reducing the amount of data that has to be collected. Photos are evidence that certain things have been done. Production process, drying beds, sorting, weight etc simple input data.
Farm manager collects information through a photo taking DApp. Machine learning processes the images and identifies Plant type/variety, age, disease, leaf health.
DApp combines a daily report. Submit info to Cardano Testnet from gateway (using encryptions); RWEAVE for the data. This is collated with the information from the environment sensors. Taking photos of the plants, leaves, will give us information about the Plant type/variety, location, age, access to sunlight, water, disease.
During Harvest we could monitor Number of seeds picked, production process. Possibly put QR codes in drying beds. Possibly use smart scales to measure the amount of coffee picked.
SSI information on the coffee picker. Tracking, timestamps and traceability, Touches on digital identity, regulation as code, transparency for the manufacturing process. Farm workers will have an identity, Because they are certifying by submitting information into the farm information system.
Workers won't want to spend their minutes sending information to farm owners. But if free high speed internet was available… satellite broadband connectivity. We could get an RV broadband unit for 99USD per month. RV unit can go anywhere, will run off dual volt batteries. Solving issues of reliability and power. Could run off solar.
Lora. Long range Wireless.
Can be run on coin cell batteries. Can send information up to 50 miles.
Can be used to relay transactions.
Smart hub Lora Gateway: Lora receiver in the Gateway, Which is also a Wifi hub, which then connects the sensors out in the field. Hub could be a raspberry pi etc. Dashboard server running on local machines. Its the farmer’s data, its the farmer’s environment. Daily updates are available through smartphone realtime connection to the farm. Allowing the Farmer to make informed decisions remotely.
The future of this proposal:
Robotics plus: Machine vision. Have a small robot that trots around the farm taking photos of coffee trees looking for disease.
Providing traceability for certifications. certificate of origin. A Certificate of Origin (CO) is an important international trade document that certifies that goods in a particular export shipment are wholly obtained, produced, manufactured or processed in a particular country.
Issuance of clean coffee movement.
Based on the attached research on the advancement of Farming through collaboration by Jan Willem Kruize form the Wageningen University, the solution of smart farming could revolutionize Farming.
Environment Solutions that help to solve environmental issues
Promoting sustainable agriculture
double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, family farmers
Environment - Total number of users, total CO2 sequestered, amount of awareness being produced, number of people changing an environmentally damaging habit
By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality
Nation governance systems - Amount of population onboarded, amount of costs saved due to new solution, security difficulty improvements over previous approach
Existing products or integrations - What products or integrations already exist in the ecosystem? What are the core differences between the proposal being presented and those existing ones and why will that provide impact to the ecosystem?
Technical requirements - Does the Cardano ecosystem have the right tools, libraries and SDKs for the idea to be feasible? What needs to be introduced or improved for the proposal to fully reach its potential? Yes, with the Vasil Hardfork we will be able to complete the proposal, and adapt with any changes.
I think the Cardano Ecosystem is mature enough now to take on real time real world application. - All the integrations we are testing now have been through rigorous testing and are suitable for execution right now. There are enough pieces of infrastructure, applications and other integrations available that we would need for this suggested proposal to have a strong chance of gaining adoption. The SmartFarming DApp will increase the utility & adoption of Cardano.
Success looks like:
A novel and viable application and product/DApp getting built on top of Cardano attracting users on the ground.
Integrations with other existing services, products, and protocols that improve the end-user experience whether that's giving the user more options or making something easier to use that benefits the wider ecosystem.
Farming takes time, so working with farmers in the industry with established farms will help.
In order to make this happen we need to gather data on the current farm situation for 3 months.
Equipment & Shipping
3 farms on the equator
LoRaWAN Gateway $ 519 x3 [1557]
LoRaWan Sensor 60 + 60 + 140 = 260 x3 [780]
Starlink Hardware cost 600 x3 [1800]
subscription cost 110 per month x12 x3 [3960]
Shipping [500]
Research gathering People 500 x3 [1500]
Farmer 400 x3 [1200]
Farm Manager 200 x 3months x 3 [1800]
Project Manager [1000]
Lawyer [600]
Total [14697]
Request $ 15000
Jackie: @Namwanje 80 years of experience farming, 20 Years experience in Accounting, Community Member, Community Advisor, Entrepreneur, Marketer Community Mobilizer
Angela: @AWG Atala Prism Pioneer, Haskell Plutus Lecturer, Eastern Town Hall Team Member, Gimbalabs PPBL Team Member, CA, VCA, Plutus Pioneer, Challenge Team Member, Boostcamp Alumn
Evans: @babaelliot, Catalyst CA , active participant of general and Eastern Town Hall, BSc Social Protection( IFM/ Institute of finance management ), Trainer/Mentor at RFFXTZ Co Ltd, Youtuber and Content Creator
Anne: @Shirogat CA, Microsoft Certified Educator, 30 years Experience in Project Management and Ed Tech, Funded Proposer, Boostcamp Alumn, Entrepreneur
Yes, this is a proposal for a preliminary round of funding to research the feasibility of the idea. We will follow with more proposals to fund further development.
3 Farms with the Seeedstar, LORA, Starlink products installed and functioning. Daily reports on from Vegetable-Gardening-Monitoring-Kit from 3 farms from 3 countries for 3 months. Including information on the Soil moisture, Sunlight intensity, Soil electrical conductivity, Soil temperature, Wind, Rainfall. Farmworkers and farm owners using the Smart Farming System with daily. Weekly compilations of photographs from 3 farms from 3 countries for 3 months. Working, decentralized high speed internet in 3 farms from 3 countries. Enough Data to begin building a SmartFarming DApp.
This is an extension of a previous proposal
SDG goals:
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
SDG subgoals:
2.3 By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value addition and non-farm employment
2.4 By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality
2.5 By 2020, maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and their related wild species, including through soundly managed and diversified seed and plant banks at the national, regional and international levels, and promote access to and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, as internationally agreed
2.a Increase investment, including through enhanced international cooperation, in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services, technology development and plant and livestock gene banks in order to enhance agricultural productive capacity in developing countries, in particular least developed countries
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
2.4.1 Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture
2.a.1 The agriculture orientation index for government expenditures
2.a.2 Total official flows (official development assistance plus other official flows) to the agriculture sector
80 years Farming experience, Agriculture Data Scientist, IOT, Plutus Pioneers, Atala Prism Pioneer, Entrepreneurs, Marketer, Community Mobilizer, CAs, VCA, Challenge Team Members, Boostcamp Alumn, Project Management & Ed Tech, Funded Proposers, 20 Years experience in Accounting