Last updated 2 years ago
How do we improve our build environment by empowering Architects to share their work it is meant to be represented and better understood by allowing to be consumed as a product?
This is the total amount allocated to ADA-Architecture.
Our build environment would benefit greatly if Architecture has an outlet where it could be better understood by the untrained human eye.
We would have created a VR platform to showcase various Architecture, Design & Research Projects and create alternative funding avenues.
If the project has gone poorly - We have a cloud platform where Architects can plugin their work to be experienced by any VR user in the country and hopefully the world.
If the project has gone OK, it will serve as a prototype model where architectural work is shown as it was meant to be by the creator and serve as a recipe for conducting some architecture work so to help future clients have a better understanding of the showcased work.
If the project has gone well, not only will we have created this platform for showcasing the work but also find various means through blockchain technology to fund a lot of the work shown.
Our build environment has consequences to our well-being. Daylight, air movement and other intangible considerations are difficult to express through a set of lines on a piece of paper or screen projection. Often time majority of the budgets are spent on time allocated to antiquated means of representing and conveying the work to a client whoâs not trained to perceive drawings in the same reference point as a trained professional. This often leads to processes that drain the budgets in its early stages and ultimately a recipe for the project to suffer.
What if some Architecture is meant to be consumed as a product and not as a service? Much like other artist and creators that can share their creations on different platforms, the build environment would benefit greatly if Architects or Designers had a similar outlet. Imagine the Vitra Design Museum in Germany as a decentralized digital platform where all Space Creators around the world had a chance to showcase their work. Whether it be research tied to real world issues or provocative scenarios to engage discussion.Â