Last updated 4 years ago
In Argentina, the ignorance of the Cardano ecosystem is complete with more than 2 million potential users of the network.
Implement a training program on the use of Cardano, presenting use cases in the Spanish language to multiplying referents.
This is the total amount allocated to Training program NOA-NEA Argentina..
Implement a training program on the use of Cardano, presenting use cases in the Spanish language to multiplying referents.
10 years of experience as a teacher in the region. Radio producer. Implementation of local training trades.
El centro comunitario tiene como objetivo la formaciĂłn de sujetos en el uso de la tecnologĂa proporcionada por Cardano
SĂntesis del proyecto
DifusiĂłn de la tecnologĂa de cardano al implementar de eventos destinado a agentes multiplicador como Profesores, economistas, comerciantes, emprendedores, alumnos de universidades. Estos evento de alta calidad se realizaran en las capitales de las provincias de Salta, Jujuy, Tucuman, Santa Fe, Chaco, Formosa y Cordoba. Estimando alcanzar a mas de 5000 mil agentes multiplicadores de Todo el nea y noa Argentino en el plazo de 3 meces, Indirectamente se alcanzaran a mas de 250000 mil personas. Como parte de la estrategia se utilizara los medios de comunicaciĂłn locales para generan un efecto sinergico que impactara sobre las actividades. Una fuerte campaña publicitarias permitirĂĄn triplicar el alcance en la regiĂłn llegando finalmente a que el proyecto Cardano sea completamente reconocido y adoptado en el plazo de mencionado.
En paralelo se seleccionar a 700 estudiantes jĂłvenes de universidades para recibir y participaran de forma activa el programa gratuito de entrenamiento en el uso de la TecnologĂa de Cardano con el objetivo de desarrollar capital humano que pueda implementar esta tecnologĂa en diversos ĂĄmbitos por toda la regiĂłn. Admas, estos estudinates avanzados esluego de ser entrenados serĂĄn conectados con empresarios locales que deseen informaciĂłn sobre las ventajas del uso de la tecnolĂłgica del ecosistema Cardano, concretando acciones que permitan planificar rondas de negocios que beneficien a parte o toda al comunidad de la regiĂłn.
En el plazo de 12 meces el centro sera auto sustentable obteniendo fondos de la ganancias que generen un o mas nodos y de aportes de empresarios, dichas ganancias serĂĄn reutilizados en la formaciĂłn de Recursos humanos y equipos para continuar entrenado a nuevas personas y honorarios de los formadores.
The community center aims to train subjects in the use of the technology provided by Cardano
Project synthesis
Dissemination of cardano technology by implementing events aimed at multiplier agents such as teachers, economists, merchants, entrepreneurs, university students. These high quality events will be held in the capitals of the provinces of Salta, Jujuy, Tucuman, Santa Fe, Chaco, Formosa and Cordoba. Estimating to reach more than 5000 thousand multiplying agents from all over the world and not to Argentina in a period of 3 months, Indirectly more than 250,000 thousand people will be reached. As part of the strategy, the local media will be used to generate a synergistic effect that will impact the activities. A strong advertising campaign will allow the reach in the region to be tripled, finally reaching the Cardano project to be fully recognized and adopted within the aforementioned period.
In parallel, 700 young university students will be selected to receive and actively participate in the free training program in the use of Cardano Technology with the aim of developing human capital that can implement this technology in various areas throughout the region. In addition, these advanced students, after being trained, will be connected with local entrepreneurs who want information on the advantages of using the Cardano ecosystem technology, specifying actions that allow planning business rounds that benefit part or all of the community in the region.
Within 12 months, the center will be self-sustaining, obtaining funds from the profits generated by one or more nodes and from contributions from entrepreneurs, said profits will be reused in the training of Human Resources and teams to continue training new people and fees from the trainers.
4580010 years of experience as a teacher in the region. Radio producer. Implementation of local training trades.